Tech-Death. Bitch. (mp3 + some pics)


Jan 10, 2005
Alright, finally finished it tonight. After about three weeks of tracking, tweaking and reamping. One of my proudest mixes so far and it happens to be like the second time I've recorded drums at my house so I'm extra happy about it. Here it is:

Abhorrent - Song 3 Clip

There isn't a name for the song as far as I know. Drums are all natural except the two kick drums were triggered and I used two Dissection kick samples layered on each kick, pitched down a little, sent to a bus, compressed and EQ'ed a little. The guitars are reamped, the chain was: Jackson SL-1 -> TS-9 -> Engl FireBall/Bugera 333 -> Mesa oversized 4x12 V30 -> SM57 on-axis -> Focusrite Saffire Pro 26i/o -> Cubase 4. Drums are: DDrum trigger on each kick, e604's for Tom1, 2 and 3, D2 for Tom4 and D4 for Tom5. Overheads were matched NT5 pair and one Audix F15 pencil condensor. Hats were Røde NT-1a, ride was an MXL V67. Snare had a 57.

I won't say right now which side has which amp, but just know that the FireBall is on one side and the Bugera is on the other. :) There is only 1 track per side. I did use parallel compression on the guitars, same steps as you would for drums, and blended that in with the regular uncompressed tracks...really beefed the sound up and I'm happy with them. Also used the parallel comp trick on the drums to polish them a little. Also, only about 3 seconds of this particular track has some kick editing. There are three songs, and between the three songs I edited maybe a total of like 5-7 seconds of kick hits...the rest of the time it's all untouched and not quantized. The band, and myself, wanted to keep a pretty raw and organic sound for everything since their sound lends itself well to that style of production. If it was really polished sounding I think it would take a lot away from their sound. Here are a couple of pics for anyone that is interested:






I didn't bother taking pics of the Bugera's settings because I think I'm probably the only person on this forum that owns one :lol: But I know a couple of people have a FireBall and one person has even PM'ed about some setting suggestions. And also...yes, that is a tear in the grill cloth on the Mesa cab. It just happens to be exactly where the best spot for the mic is, and it also happens to be on the best sounding speaker in the cab. However, the amps were turned up really loud so I don't think it affected anything.

Engl FireBall:
Bright = IN
Depth = IN
Gain = 3
Bass = 5.5
Mid = 4.5
Treble = 7
Presence = 6.5
Master = 5.5

TS settings for both amps:
Gain = 9 o'clock
Tone = 10:30
Level = 12 o'clock

Whew...I think that's it. Please comment, ask questions, I'm all ears :)

i'm liking the snare and toms alot, especially during the blasts. The kick is a bit too unnatural though; it kinda fits, but i think the hi end make it sound way too out of place. Maybe you could darken it a smidge, or put it through a slight verb for some natural room sound. Also the mastering compression is kinda pumping, and is too obvious at some points.
Ok, I took suggestions and made some changes. The link has been updated already. :)

Interesting guitar sound. I noticed that I don't like it, because I don't like the playing style. As soon as it goes into this slow part at 3:10, I really dig it.

Overall not my music, but the recording is cool. I agree with raising kick and guitars a bit.
So nobody wants to guess which side has the Engl and which side is the Bugera? :lol:

Haha, I'd like to think that I know the sound of my own amp...erm...I'll say that the right channel is Fireball, sounds beefier and tighter. Just hope my crappy PC speakers are positioned the right way round!
I probably would've guessed that the fireball is on the right, and the Bugera was the left. But that's just because I think the right guitar sounds marginally better, and as much as I want to love the Bugera, I'd just expect that the fireball sounds better because it's so much pricier :p I'm hoping I'm wrong. Both sounds fucking killer dude.
I probably would've guessed that the fireball is on the right, and the Bugera was the left. But that's just because I think the right guitar sounds marginally better, and as much as I want to love the Bugera, I'd just expect that the fireball sounds better because it's so much pricier :p I'm hoping I'm wrong. Both sounds fucking killer dude.

Yeah thats my reasoning too :p
Sounds great! You managed to get the Fireball and Bugera to sound shockingly similar, I never would've noticed it being a different amp on each side.


I was just thinking to myself how different the tones are, a bit annoying, actually.

As for guessing the amps, I'd say left channel is the Fireball.