I'm mixing it currently and the mapping is not the same as in S2.0. Could you do a little text file saying for notes that are used what they are ? example:


so that we can map it fast to our own vsti.
Thank you. I've been improving a lot during the last days/week. Still not my goal but it's getting closer.

I have done a first mixdown of you song, I'll import your midi to see how it goes and re-export it.
It's ok yeah!

Since toms were not mapped, this mixdown does not include any tom close mic, so don't focus on them, they are just there from the overheads. I'll add them later (lunch time !)
Not happy still but it's the first mix. - Inheritance Studio - meditative test.mp3

EDIT: just listening after the export and find many little things displeasant, like the vox too loud or guitar not enough "in your face"
It's ok yeah!

Since toms were not mapped, this mixdown does not include any tom close mic, so don't focus on them, they are just there from the overheads. I'll add them later (lunch time !)
Not happy still but it's the first mix. - Inheritance Studio - meditative test.mp3

EDIT: just listening after the export and find many little things displeasant, like the vox too loud or guitar not enough "in your face"

Maybe not happy, but it's the best mix so far! :)
What have u used for guitars? Sound's pretty tightly.
Maybe not happy, but it's the best mix so far! :)
What have u used for guitars? Sound's pretty tightly.

Guitars are :
TSE 808 > lecto > kefir(awesometime impulse) > eq (low pass/high pass filter) > compression > gate (remove the noise floor when it's not playing)

and I added the same with X30 instead of lecto, 80% L/R a lot lower, just to make them a little bigger.

Now that I listen to it again, my problem is more the drums that are a bit too violent
I'll have to give this a shot tonight or tomorrow.. I'll download once I get home from work!

Very nice mix. Funny cause I was listening to your songs yesterday, exzem

EDIT : Reaper tells me it's clipping by 0.4db did you forget something ?

Can you tell us a bit about the mix, I dig the drums
Hmm, maybe its clipping didn't check that carefully :)

Yeah sure, guitars are lextac (max gain+input) boosted with onqels tubescreamer plugin. catharis impulse s-preshigh impulse

Drums are just standard superior2.0, I literary just loaded the default kit and didn't change anything, except setting it to multichannel in my DAW and compressing each channel to taste.

Kick is blended ~60% with "kick.wav" that someone posted on this forum before (haha that probably doesn't help much). I can reupload it if you're interested.

Snare is blended around 65% with some snare samples "snare-xx-crack" CatharisStudios uploaded here a while ago.

The original provided WAV drum track is also blended with the superior2.0 track to beef it up a bit. (tbh, I accidentally forgot to mute it and realized it sounded pretty good with it active, so I left it in :))

bass is just ampeg svx, just the default settings and some fast attack 100ms rls post compression and eq cutting ~200-500 hz

EDIT: Glad you listed to my music! :)
Ahahaha it's funny cause I personnally did the same thing : mix my drums with the original ones. I just didn't keep it cause I wanted to actually find another drum sound.

I'm interested in those two samples too, the kick sounds good even if I can't tell if it is because of the wav drum track or yours :)

You should release an instrumental album !
nevchrist: what pickups did u use?

btw, the beginning of the song reminds me:

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