Tech-Death project to mix :)

I've been really busy so I haven't had a chance to do too much with this. I too would like the bass and vocal tracks when they are done. I think the original poster said something about them being up this week. Is that still true?
Not sure, still waiting on word from the band to see what they want to do about vocals...if there will even be any for the demo at all, etc.

Have you got all the single tracks or is it just the one track if so that is gonna make it harder to mix, the cymbals sound slightly washy and the guitar could do with being louder but apart from that it's not a bad mix at all mate.

It's a kick ass track too :headbang:
Wow, that's an awesome song!

I gave it a quick try:


I think you've done pretty well, given the circumstances. Only thing I don't really like is the snare but on the other hand it fits nicely to the style of music. Thanks for sharing! :)
I would love to get the Guitar Pro file if you have it? would love to learn to play this song aswell :)

and +1 on Shadows_Walker's mix.


EDIT: @Shadow_Walker: I'm a big tech-death fan and the mix you conjured up would make me want to buy that bands CD :)
Seriously? Weird, I only made some basic adjustments, took me a couple of hours.
I had some problems with the OH tracks and with the ride track, at different points they would repeat a few seconds and thus get shifted so the whole thing becomes a mess (I guess this is an upload/download issue).
As for the mistriggering I used one of Cubase' midi presets, it deletes every hit with a velocity lower than 45/40/35 but you can make it 90 with the logical editor. I also used another preset that randomizes velocities between certain values (e.g. 90 to 127).
I left the original toms but cut the stuff between hits. Also they were sent to a group track with a pretty brutal eq, and you might imagine 1 eq setting isn't perfect for the whole set of toms but then again it was a quick mix :)

BTW, EA, I think the separation you got given the small space, is very good. Good job :kickass:
"Guitars are one track Engl FireBall and one track Peavey XSr™. I know, I know...ONE TRACK!?!?!? But the guitarist didn't feel he could play it tight enough to quad track the gits. Plus he was baked...I don't blame him."

Man, I would like to hear him unbaked and quad track this!!! These guys are going to go places!!! They rock!!!