Tech Death


That guy you're not
Jun 6, 2003
Denver, CO, U.S.
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I wanna find some more good tech death bands. Right now my favorites are Psycroptic, Necrophagist, Spawn of Possession, Decapitated (except the negation... yyeeesh), Monstrosity, Dying Fetus, Severed Savoir, etc.

Anyone know any bands that can actually compete with Psycroptic in terms of asskicking?, not really. =) I'd put Spawn of Possession right up there next to Psycroptic, but ummm, otherwise, no, those two and Necrophagist pretty much control tech death I think. Also possibly Iniquity, every song crammed full of great riffs and god drumming.

Consider Incinerate if you don't know them. Some good rhythms and heavy riffing, fairly complex song structures.

Wormed are extremely low end deathgrind, but their rhythms and song structures are absolutely brilliant. An indonesian band called Siksakubur are quite comparable, but have lots of small flairs of attractive melody thrown in here and there, as well as generally having crazier song structures.

If you like Severed Saviour, you'd probably like fellow labelmates Disavowed, and also Capharnaum. Both have very recognizable, almost catchy riffs, good solos and good vocals. Nice and heavy and aggressive too.

Neuraxis: great band, very heavy, very fast, very technical, but also hugely melodic.

Lykathe (Lykathea Aflame) are comparable, but are heavier and their melodies are much 'happier' and strangely uplifting. Not really my cup of tea, but most brutal/tech death fans cum over them.

At the extreme end of technicality and insanity, you should check-out Nefas, who are like Immolation and Cryptopsy mixed with the ferociousness and speed of Krisiun. Utterly unmemorable and random, but amazingly busy.

Psychofagist are similar, but slightly more conventional. The odd catchy riff, but otherwise very spasticated and heavy.
oh, and Yattering. Very inaccessible, no memorable riffs at all, very jolted and randomly shifting tempos and rhythms, but still strangely mesmerizing for all that.

and of course you've got your Cryptopsy, Immolation, Krisiun, Decapitated, Origin etc.
I would highly recommend Alienation Mental, Pigsty and Mincing Fury and Guttural Clamour of Queer Decay, who are all from the Czech Repubic. Check out this site:

Also, you should check out Gruesome Malady from India. They play a really bizarre, sorta random-sounding technical death metal with ridiculously gurgly vocals and a somewhat dark feel to them. Wierd shit.
I definately second Alienation Mental. I wouldn't have said they were very technical, but they do some wicked electronic and noise experimentation.

The rest i'll have to check-out myself.
Mr. SculptedCold has listed most of the best ones. Godless Truth are decent, as are Martyr (if you can get past the vocals).
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check some of them out. As far as the bands you 2 listed, I haven't heard any of the Czech bands, but I heard a few of the ones Sculpted listed. I've heard Yattering, Psychofagist, and Neuraxis, and i wasn't that into them. I guess no one comes close to Psycroptic huh? I think one of the big reasons is the fact that Sceptor of the Ancients has such a good sound. There are a lot of great bands out there with terrible recordings that I just can't get too into.
Sculpted Cold already mentioned a lot of bands. I'd like to bring your attention to two slightly less obvious bands:

VUVR: a Czech technical death/jazz metal UG legend
Virulence: a crazy combination of death, grind and jazz (fans of Dillinger Escape Plan might like it)
SculptedCold said:
They don't play Cruelty Incarnate though.
Guess what! They did last time I seen them. And a new track, something "Apathy". Didn't quite catch it. They'll have an EP released by the end of the year though.
Check out Gorguts-From Wisdom to Hate and Martyr-Warp Zone.
haha, I ALWAYS forget Gorguts, i've no idea why. Obscura is one of the most amazing albums ever concieved, I guess I just don't listen to them often enough.

Need to check out Martyr though.

Oh yeah, another came to mind; Cynic are very good also.
SculptedCold said:
haha, I ALWAYS forget Gorguts, i've no idea why. Obscura is one of the most amazing albums ever concieved, I guess I just don't listen to them often enough.

Need to check out Martyr though.

Oh yeah, another came to mind; Cynic are very good also.

Dan Mongrain plays on From Wisdom to Hate(lead guitar and wrote half the cd) He is in Martyr which is really technical and you can deff here Cynic influence. Dan graduated from Music school too. He is in Capharnaum also.....

Capharnaum - Ingrained

Capharnaum - Fractured
Ahah any death metal bands from quebec are pretty technical! But, you guys forgot Quo Vadis!

OH and btw, why didn't you like The Negation? I bought it 3 days ago and it fucking rocks though I wish it last a little longer than 33 mins.
Well everything has been stated pretty much except:

Despised Icon - Consume Your Poison......pretty technical and has dying fetus grooves thrown in
Deadwater Drowning - not totally death metal but very technical and brutal