Technical Death Metal

My apologies for necroing this thread but i'm wondering what you guys think are good tech death bands?I mean if someone mentions Necrophagist,there are 10 guys say they suck,if someone says Origin are great there are again 10 other people who say the same.And don't get me started on Brain Drill,they are almost as hated as the next metalcore band,and to be honest:I have no friggin idea why?
Brain Drill,they are almost as hated as the next metalcore band,and to be honest:I have no friggin idea why?

I can't get into their music, tried their album (Apocalyptic Feasting or something like that) several times and it always sounds pretty boring. I like Tech DM (even bands like Necrophagist, that most people in here hate), but just can't stand Brain Drill.

My favourite Tech DM bands atm are probably Gorod, Anata, Psycroptic and Decrepit Birth.
Technical Death Metal can be good, when it has feeling, or when it's just atmospheric and suffocating. Anata, Spawn of Possession, Decrepit Birth, all good Tech Death.

Necrophagist, Origin, and ESPECIALLY Brain Drill is all flash, no substance.
holy fucking god there's like 15 threads INCLUDING a sticky on the subject in the recommendation section....ffs

there are a lot of tech death bands, not trying to be an asshole but just take two seconds to search, it's annoying to type out lists all the time for the same styles
holy fucking god there's like 15 threads INCLUDING a sticky on the subject in the recommendation section....ffs

there are a lot of tech death bands, not trying to be an asshole but just take two seconds to search, it's annoying to type out lists all the time for the same styles

Read that sticky,don't worry.I was just wondering why bands who are supposedly so great still have a lot of haters,more haters then a band like metallica(for example)...Bands like Origin and the likes are bands who are wellknown for bringing "tech death" to another level,except here on UM,the band is hated more then anything else.And that's something that strikes me as odd.
Read that sticky,don't worry.I was just wondering why bands who are supposedly so great still have a lot of haters,more haters then a band like metallica(for example)...Bands like Origin and the likes are bands who are wellknown for bringing "tech death" to another level,except here on UM,the band is hated more then anything else.And that's something that strikes me as odd.

I mean opinion is opinion, and usually on a forum, even though there is a lot of diverse opinions they tend to go one way or the other on certain things. ask the same question at a dozen other metal/rock forums and you'll get different responses. It doesn't really matter if they're "supposedly" great, if you like 'em then listen to them. I think that Origin definitely helped bring tech death around but they're not one of the real forefounders or someone who is profound and new in the music they make. Sure they've been playing for a long time but it's the same stuff album after album.
Read that sticky,don't worry.I was just wondering why bands who are supposedly so great still have a lot of haters,more haters then a band like metallica(for example)...Bands like Origin and the likes are bands who are wellknown for bringing "tech death" to another level,except here on UM,the band is hated more then anything else.And that's something that strikes me as odd.

Apparently they aren't as "well known" for doing anything special in the genre as you think they are. Origin is about as repetitive as death metal gets, whether you want to classify it brutal or tech or both.
Tech Death is a weird genre in my mind. Maybe not weird, but to me you can be uber-tech, and still write poor music. Technically complex doesn't mean good music. Look at Meshuggah. Also, a lot of the metalcore and death core bands do some tech stuff, but still their music comes out lacking soul. Then there are other bands which also get classified as tech-death, which are more musical, like Gorod, Gory Blister, Sceptic and others. I tend to think of them as more prog-death, though they are tech as well.

So to me tech is no guarantee of good music. Prog isn't either, but it is closer.