Ted's Weekly Random Thoughts, News and Views


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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HELLO all you rivetheaded, society down dwellin, workin hard, partyin harder sons and daughters of the planet earth!!!!!!! Uncle Ted is back and feelin' chipper this evening. It's a beatiful day in Kentucky, and even though I'm facing some things in life that have had me on the verge of a dissociative feugue, I have decided to put my sensible shoes back on and try to enjoy the hell out of life no matter what the fuck it throws at me. You only go around once and you can't put the shit back in the horse.

So with a week's worth of listening to Social Distortion (nobody get's me feelin' down and great at the same time like they do! "Ball and Chain" anyone?) and a day or two of the mighty 1980's version of Van Halen, I am back on top in the month of June.

I also switched to Kodiak because the buzz is better. What the hell.

So this got me to thinking....time to post some stuff and spew the wisdom. Hopefully this'll be alot of fun and y'all will open the floodgates and post away. Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FIRST OFF - I have waited and waited for you to post a thread on this and if anybody did I missed it. MICHAEL JACKSON INNOCENT?!?!?!?!?! I have mixed feelings on this one. I think it's easy to jump on the bandwagon and say that the one gloved Boy Wonder did it and got off OJ Simpson style. But I don't know if it's entirely true. Not having all the facts that the jury did, it's hard to say. On one hand, maybe it is just a case of another gold digger trying to take a celebrity to the bank. If that's the case then justice was served. But I think the frequency of the same complaint over and over from different kids is cause for alarm. If he DID do it, then it's safe to say he has a front row seat in Hell waiting for him. If he DIDN'T do it then he should at least try to refrain from any further sleepovers.....who knows...what do you all think???? Me personally........ I think he probably did SOMETHING...but how far did he go? I think if the kid's family stepped up and said "WE DO NOT WANT ANY MONEY WE ONLY WANT THIS SICK BASTARD IN JAIL" then it may have changed things....what do you all think????

MIKE TYSON laid down on me. A shame. Here is the greatest fighter of all time and he just self destructed and now became a panzy. You think he's friends with Axl??? "My boxing career is over", he tells us. Well no shit Dick Tracy.

THE BACKSTREET BOYS are back?!?!?!? I got nothing....

Ashlee Simpson is getting her own signature model Gibson guitar. Again...I got nothing.

Pobably the greatest story I heard all week comes from a Kentucky state prison. A man got put in solitary for...get this...STABBING A MAN WITH A PORK CHOP!!!!!!!!!! You hear that 50 Cent??? Eminem? DMX and whoever else the hell you are that raps and thinks you're down. You can talk all day about busting a cap in somebody's ass but you have to be a HARDCORE son of a bitch to stick somebody with a PORK CHOP!!!!!!! My money's on him. I don't care what he's done. THERE"s a role model for ya.

I think Tom Cruise has taken leave of his senses. The way he's all gaga over this Katie Holmes makes me think that even though he's dated and married some fine laidies, she may have just taken his cherry.

ON THE METAL FRONT - (isn't that why we're all here?)
Here's a few oldies I've been digging on as of late. would love to hear yours!

DOKKEN - Breaking the Chains
DIO - Best of
ANTHRAX - Among the Living

Well, my buzz is wearing off and I am growing weary. Hope you've enjoyed my rambling................

Hollar atcha later
Ted, never ceasing to amaze me and keep me laughing!!!
Michael Jackson- the circus is over for now....there is still the civil trial to come for sure. Not Guilty on all counts???????? Like you say...there is something deeper....something going on...evidently not enough evidence to convict him. I don't think it's over though.

Didn't Tyson just bite some guys nipple off?????

Cruise is gay.......or he's a gay man hiding in a straight mans body...He sure does get the girls into Scientology! Who could ask for a better poster child for that religion?

on Backstreet Boys....aren't they at least Backstreet Men by now?!?!?

Ashlee Simpson...well if she got a Gibson endorsement...then a star on the Hollywood walk of fame isn't far away!

A Pork chop?!?!?!?!? :hypno: some hardcore porkin' going on in prison :tickled:

Listenly lately to :
Funkdamentals- Old School funk mix
Aerosmith- Pandora's Box
Foreigner- self titled
Ac/dc- back in black
Tyson's career was over 15 years ago. He's just been a novelty act since then. I can practically guarantuee you that he'll need some $ and have a "return" fight before too long.

Are you sure that's not an Ashlee Simpson Keytar?
tedvanfrehley said:
ON THE METAL FRONT - (isn't that why we're all here?)
Here's a few oldies I've been digging on as of late. would love to hear yours!


ANTHRAX - Among the Living

Hollar atcha later

Digging as in I haven't heard them in a long time? Or in wow I just found these stuff? :p

RNR was my first Motorhead album as well as ATL was my first Anthrax, so both are undoubdtedly dear in my heart. I hadn't spun ATL in quite a while, but RNR rotates oftenly in my player since Motorhead is my all-time-never-failed METAL band :worship:

'Cos I'm in love with rock 'n' roll, satisfies my soul
If that's how it has to be, I won't get mad
I got rock 'n' roll, to save me from the gold
And if that's all there is, it ain't so bad
Rock 'n' roll

Cruise is gay.......or he's a gay man hiding in a straight mans body...He sure does get the girls into Scientology! Who could ask for a better poster child for that religion?

Listenly lately to :
Funkdamentals- Old School funk mix
Aerosmith- Pandora's Box
Foreigner- self titled
Ac/dc- back in black[/QUOTE]
I heard about him having sex with a gay porn star. I think that was in
the news a couple years back? I mean how in the fuck would anyone divorce
Nichole Kidman or Penelope Cruz? :err:
KMADD said:
I heard about him having sex with a gay porn star. I think that was in
the news a couple years back? I mean how in the fuck would anyone divorce
Nichole Kidman or Penelope Cruz? :err:

Maybe Nicole didn't had a big enough strap-on? :tickled:

First time I saw her was in "Dead Calm" and she was utterly sexy..which she still is! When she married Tommy Boy, I thought she was nuts, when she divorced him I thought she regained her senses :grin:

And frankly to pass or cheat on something like this...

TED, you disguisting lump of fossilised ape puke :loco:

Michael Jackson, hmmm, frankly if it went the other way my reaction would have been exactly the same, If you leave your kids over at Mike's house you're probably on crack.

Mike Tyson, He could have - would have - should have been more of a sportsman and less of a dumbass.

Backstreet Boys - Thank God I've got other alternatives than radio..

Ashlee Simpson - Ashley Who?

A fuckin porkchop? How the hell do you explain that scar to anyone keeping a straight face?

Tom Cruise, hmmm he's the kind of guy that will leave his kids over at Mike's house...

ON the Metal side - My man Carnut :wave: sent me some serious shit so guess who's not getting out of the car and into the house for a while :rock:
zeppelin said:
Michael Jackson, hmmm, frankly if it went the other way my reaction would have been exactly the same, If you leave your kids over at Mike's house you're probably on crack.

Tom Cruise, hmmm he's the kind of guy that will leave his kids over at Mike's house...

Tyson is now a shell of the shell of his former self. It's sad to see how far he's fallen, but at the same time, i'm not sympathetic. He's done most of the damage himself.

Tom Cruise is slowly falling off his rocker, slowly and surely.Anyone see his appearance on Oprah a couple weeks back? I think the world was witnessing a meltdown, not unlike the one Mariah Carey had on TRL a few years ago. Man, do i sound like a teeny bopper puke, or WHAT!?

The only reason Jacko walked, was because there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. That was the lawyer's fault. He just HAD to introduce the conspiracy angle and the Jesus Juice bullshit into the mix, rather than focusing soley on the molestation accusation. For the record, i think Jackson is as guilty as the day is long, and i think if they focused on the molestation, they would've gotten him for the sick, weird, piece of shit pedophile i think he really is.

Lately, i've been going through my entire CD collection, to pick out some songs i want to play as my jock choices on my radio show (which starts THIS FRIDAY AT 3PM!!!! You can listen at http://www.palomar.edu/kksm)

I'm hooked on this song by this early 90's band called White Trash. It's a song called "Apple Pie". It was a very minor hit in 1991, got a little radioplay and a bit of MTV play, as well, but wasn't a big hit. It's such a kick ass song! White Trash were a hard rock band, that had hair metal elements, but sounded more like a 70's hard rock band,like Nazareth, but then they mix it with funk, so much to the point that they even have a horn section IN THE BAND. Cool idea, and a great song. I'm definitely playing this song sometime this summer.
sixxswine said:
I'm speechless. I'll pass on most items, but will say this you have to hand it to Cruise he seems to be landing younger & younger chicks & he isn't even all that great looking of a guy...Must be a hard life, eh?
I'm sure you would to Sixx if you were worth $$$$$$$$$$MILLIONS$$$$$$$$$$$$ Please stay away from the pornstars though.....I'm so tired of seeing rockers and pornstars...just my opinion. :Spin:
well dont worry kittybeast, when I get big in the metal business, i wont date any pornstars :loco:
IMO i wouldnt touch a chick that sucks dick for a career, thats just disgusting :yuk:
#1_Droogie said:
IMO i wouldnt touch a chick that sucks dick for a career, thats just disgusting :yuk:

I wouldn't marry one but I can date one :blush: :blush: :blush:
tedvanfrehley said:
HELLO all you rivetheaded, society down dwellin, workin hard, partyin harder sons and daughters of the planet earth!!!!!!! Uncle Ted is back and feelin' chipper this evening.

Great post as usual Ted my brother.

As far as the Micheal Jackson thing, who (in the public) is to say ? They claim it is a public trial, yet though it is "newsworthy" to some, they don't allow reading of full trascripts, nor cameras in the courtroom anymore. THe man is a freakazoid and there is no way in hell I would trust him with MY son, but can I honestly say he did or didn't do those things ? No, because "the law" won't disclose the facts and testimony of the case, even though it is a "public trial." Am I taking up for Micheal Jackson ? Absolutely not, I am putting down the media and American justice system.

Mike Tyson ? His career died after he fired his first trainer/manager. He lost to Buster Douglas the fight after that. He was a machine up until that point.

Stabbing someone with a pork chop ? Ha ha ha I can't add much to that one chief !!
