S Sentient6 Guest Mar 31, 2005 #1 Thanks for the lovely birthday card! It just arrived today, not sure why it took so long, but it's really cool anyway... cheers guys!
Thanks for the lovely birthday card! It just arrived today, not sure why it took so long, but it's really cool anyway... cheers guys!
Tee Satan's yoyo Oct 31, 2001 11,258 104 63 50 Stockholm, Sweden Mar 31, 2005 #2 :hotjump: although, the important thing is that we sent it "express"... if you see the sticker on the envelope saying "zurno". mofos. :Smug: next time, if we'll send a present, we'll send it around X-mas so you receive it till March.
:hotjump: although, the important thing is that we sent it "express"... if you see the sticker on the envelope saying "zurno". mofos. :Smug: next time, if we'll send a present, we'll send it around X-mas so you receive it till March.
Tee Satan's yoyo Oct 31, 2001 11,258 104 63 50 Stockholm, Sweden Apr 1, 2005 #4 so does the guy in your sig. oh,.... awwww
Profanity The Post Master Jul 3, 2003 32,140 349 83 41 Manchester, England, UK Apr 1, 2005 #5 and the one in your sig feels all cold.
Tee Satan's yoyo Oct 31, 2001 11,258 104 63 50 Stockholm, Sweden Apr 1, 2005 #6 that's because he's in MY signature.
Dead_Lioness Godless May 31, 2002 21,160 121 63 45 Arlington, Virginia Visit site Apr 1, 2005 #8 Cards from people who care about you are always fun to get!