you realize they bought into the whole CGI thing, right? you realize they're the ones fighting the wars, buying the knives, causing the accidents and fucking each other's brains out, right??
There were these two teens in the store. Their dad bought this huge ball. I'm up there holding it while I ring up the other items because I can't put it down or it'll roll away and there's no bag big enough and the two of them are laughing hysterically because I'm holding it. Fucking wheee motherfuckers. I hold a BALL like a person HOLDING A FUCKING BALL and then I handed it to them and they looked so fucking stupid because they were small and hidden partially by the ball.
And you know what makes me feel dirty? I go out in public and every once in awhile teenage girls do that "hot guy just walked past" thing. It like links me to that whole breeding process thing. I mean don't get me wrong I love my niece but her dad may be a world class fucking moron and all but she's at least being raised by some competent responsible people who don't use mom's cellphone minutes ot tell her she's a stupid cunt who never does anything for them right I mean FUCK yeah this CD rules. Teenagers suck what the fuck? Where did all the keys go? Man I can touchtype better drunk...
There are teens who are smart (I was one of them /irony ) but the majority are kinda dumb. That goes for most humans.
Some of the teen guys are hot though, but I must remember to go for the legal ones only.
Greg B. said:
And you know what makes me feel dirty? I go out in public and every once in awhile teenage girls do that "hot guy just walked past" thing.
My mother and I still do that! And then we talk about the guy in our own language. We seldom agree on which ones are actually attractive though. I'm glad most Canadians are unilingual or it'd be somewhat embarrassing.
I hate teenagers' obsession with clothes. Most of the stuff they wear is shit anyways and they just buy it 'cause their friend bought it. My wardrobe is mainly made up out of free shirts that I get from signing up with different organizations at school. None of them can think for themselves.