
infoterror said:
Individualistic materialism is the origin, it seems to me, of most of these woes: it is the polar opposite of transcendental idealism, which is the original European philosophy. Idealists believe in something more than the self and its desires; materialists do not.

Judaism is a philosophically "materialist" faith, and in its secular form, liberalism, it easily leads to all the things you describe.

Yes, and don't you think that when people say we can't have eugenics as it is "evil" they completely fail to grasp that we ALREADY HAVE EUGENICS. The State is actively breeding a sick, weak and stupid population!
Well in germany there are sometimes rather intelligent things on tv.
I still do not watch very much of it.
Mostly movies, sometimes documentary stuff, discussions or symphonic music.

But i wonder if the excessive websurfing that i sometimes do is a much more worthy passtime ;)
Norsemaiden said:
Yes, and don't you think that when people say we can't have eugenics as it is "evil" they completely fail to grasp that we ALREADY HAVE EUGENICS. The State is actively breeding a sick, weak and stupid population!
if by "the State" you mean the United States of America, then, yeah, you're right
every power holds it's own truths.And all countries have their own governments(Who holds the power there),then every power should do a one sided and "funny" propaganda in order to keep itself in might.

Rulers virtue and servants virtue cannot be combined,so rulers and servants are rivals.Rules forward their own statements,slaves obey.

what i meant is,"propaganda for power is everywhere"
I do not watch TV. For one thing, I find the programs unable to interest me for more than a few minutes. I do not care for the sensationalist news reporting, either. I cannot think of many worse ways to spend time than zoned out in front of the TV screen. It is too unproductive for me. I'll leave it to the dregs of society. Its function, at base, is to distract the people from the utter banality, the overwhelming nothingness that is their existence.
Demiurge said:
I do not watch TV. For one thing, I find the programs unable to interest me for more than a few minutes. I do not care for the sensationalist news reporting, either. I cannot think of many worse ways to spend time than zoned out in front of the TV screen. It is too unproductive for me. I'll leave it to the dregs of society. Its function, at base, is to distract the people from the utter banality, the overwhelming nothingness that is their existence.

I'd agree with you to a certain point. Occasionally TV has stimulated me into jazzing up the utter banality and overwhelmingly nothingness that is my existence into something more exciting. Most TV is idiotic, I agree...But the odd show I truely enjoy and benefit from.
Final_Product said:
I'd agree with you to a certain point. Occasionally TV has stimulated me into jazzing up the utter banality and overwhelmingly nothingness that is my existence into something more exciting. Most TV is idiotic, I agree...But the odd show I truely enjoy and benefit from.
in response to this post, i think that most of the people that post on the "chat" and "pop culture" forums would prolly say "idiotic = entertaining"
in response to this post, i think that most of the people that post on the "chat" and "pop culture" forums would prolly say "idiotic = entertaining"

You know, that actually is a pretty intelligent comment LRD.

T.V. can provide levity to an otherwise miserable or overly serious existence. I would shutter to think of life without Seinfeld, the Simpsons Curb Your Enthusiasm, the Munsters, Taxi, Cheers, Arrested Development, the Colbert Report.

And, there are some very well-written and acted T.V. shows. Lost is a fabulous show, and even though I am not a Sci-fi fan, I could watch the old Twilight Zones all day. That Rod Serling wrote some fantastic, well-observed, and subtle plots and characters.

sure there is alot of crap, but isnt that the case with everything these days?
I also enjoy(ed) firefly a great deal while it was on TV.

As with all things, TV in moderation does no harm. Writing everything associated with it off as nonsense is maybe going too far. Sure many folks cannot see past the idiocy it spouts, but that does not mean I cannot enjoy television!
When I was living in Canada I use to watch Hockey Night in Canada or anytime the Canucks were playing. Now that I am in Finland I watch zero TV. We recently got TV and when I'm cleaning or donig something around the apartment I'll turn on the TV to the german music channel (which is STOCKED full of advertisements, it's ridiculious) and listen to it while I work.

There really is a huge difference between American TV culture and European (Well atleast in Finland). In America it is almost a must have. There are more TV's in my parents house than there were people living in it. (6 people, 8 TVs). And it's absolutely disgusting because my sister and one of my brothers keeps their TV on all the time.

I personally made it a rule that NEVER shall a TV be turned to CNN. CNN is the bullshit of all bullshit channels. Like Fox and Hollywood, it's stocked full of propaganda and bandwagon jumpers. Almost all of American TV is directed towards patroitism (Which has completely lost its true meaning in the last 6 years) and heroism (another lost cause).

I didn't watch the snow Flight 93 because there is no possible way I could have seen it. But I read all about it and it seemed like the government gave Hollywood the go ahead to back up their story of 9/11. It's a movie about the plane that was "taken back by heroes" (or shot down for those who were actually following the news that day and heard all the interviews) and what happened during the final moments.

Personally I am so glad I don't live in TV America anymore. Post 9/11 everything has gone to shit.