Tell us something new you tried today

Doing 'cymbal drops' for the first time, layering in extra hits of the original cymbals to accentuate certain downbeats/hits... fucking love it. Why have I never done this before? In my defense, this is one of the first times where I've had samples of each cymbal to do that with.
Doing 'cymbal drops' for the first time, layering in extra hits of the original cymbals to accentuate certain downbeats/hits... fucking love it. Why have I never done this before? In my defense, this is one of the first times where I've had samples of each cymbal to do that with.

please, post some clip!

Distorted piano instead of power chords due to my f*cked arm and not being able to play the guitar.

Not as heavy as I wanted but still effective
desperately trying to copy breaking benjamins dear agony drums and guitars....
ended up using evil baressi this time, just a liittttle slate for snare room sound.
figured out that a mono or really narrow snare room/verb can make your mix sound more focused...
also figured out that fgx on the drumbus and uad precision limiter on masterbus sounds better
than just fgx on master. less guitar clipping...
AND i figured out that great alternative rock bands have muddy guitars to contrast the highend-ish vocals.
holy shit - what a day! ;-)
Totalmix fx for the 1st time and Reaper for the 2nd, but I didn't dig it time ago so it's like a new software for me. 3 days pulling my hair out trying to route all the things I need.

Pros: Lots of possibilities.
Cons: Damn it, it's complex figuring out Totalmix Fx only, imagine with a new DAW in both MAC and PC.

Tried the Warrior Diet, will be continuing for the next week or two. Didn't realise how effective it is.. anyone wanting to lose weight I'd recommend this, although I haven't had any long-term experience with it. It's basically eating dinner and that's it, eat from like 7pm to 11pm. It's pretty much impossible to eat enough calories to gain weight in such a small time period, and you don't really feel hungry until 2pm the next day.
Trying to ignore the screeching of my badly behaved pet cockatiel in the hopes that he will realise he can't always have me around (screeches when I'm not in the room all day). I doubt I can break this habit but I'm still trying and it's driving me insane.

Dunno if it had to be relevant to audio or just life in general, so sorry if that was extremely OT.
Tried the Warrior Diet, will be continuing for the next week or two. Didn't realise how effective it is.. anyone wanting to lose weight I'd recommend this, although I haven't had any long-term experience with it. It's basically eating dinner and that's it, eat from like 7pm to 11pm. It's pretty much impossible to eat enough calories to gain weight in such a small time period, and you don't really feel hungry until 2pm the next day.

This sounds awful. I'm pretty sure a lot of your weight loss would be muscle being torn down, not fat loss.