tell us

Mariner said:
hope?! thats roy harper ffs! not floyd
In the booklet of Eternity is printed that "Hope" was published by Pink Floyd Music and that music and words are by Harper/Gilmour. Strange somehow :tickled:
sorry for going totally ofthe subject, but i went to see a firework display last night, and all i had in my head was marginale's avatar, because they had a huge bonfire burning, any way that was interesting wasnt it hahahaa :D p.s i have spoke to mick afew times and things are going fine :)
Susie said:
sorry for going totally ofthe subject, but i went to see a firework display last night, and all i had in my head was marginale's avatar, because they had a huge bonfire burning, any way that was interesting wasnt it hahahaa :D p.s i have spoke to mick afew times and things are going fine :)
nice one! so the code worked?!
tools, what do u mean by better grew? I dont prefer beards but I like them on people who look better with it than without, sometimes it fits.. and its just aesthetical opinion, doesnt mean I would kiss a hairy face (or anything.. ) :D
Susie said:
sorry for going totally ofthe subject, but i went to see a firework display last night, and all i had in my head was marginale's avatar, because they had a huge bonfire burning, any way that was interesting wasnt it hahahaa :D p.s i have spoke to mick afew times and things are going fine :)
thanks for thinking about me, i feel very honort