
Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
me about Something Wild....

How does it compare to the others? If you recall, I borrowed FTR from a friend and LOVED it, so I went out and bought's good but not nearly as good as FTR. If Something Wild isnt in the same vein as FTR then I probably wont get it...

My problem with Hatebreeder is it seems to concentrate more on the keyboards instead of the guitars. And the riffs/solos arent nearly as good either.
FTR is the weakest album in my opinion, although I still love it.

something wild is probablythe most crazy album. Hasnt ot as much songs, but its got some of the bands best like touched like angel of death. thats in my opinion one of not the best song the band has done.

Something wild is more of an aqquired taste, HCDR also uses a lot of keys, all their albums use a lot of keys anyway, its what seperates the band from any other,
I don't think very weak (very weak? boggles the mind) is a good description at all of COB's guitar work on Hatebreeder. in fact I think you couldn't be more wrong. have you even heard the song Children Of Bodom? listen again my friend. and if that doesn't work, try to play it yourself.
I love neo-classical music so my favorite is definately Something Wild. Not because of that, but the solos and riffs and vocal are just great..

Hatebreeder is my least favorite.. don't know why..
no, im not. hatebreeder doesnt have nearly as good songs as ftr. there are no songs like kissing the shadows, northern comfort,mask of sanity, bodom after midnight or everytime i die. accept my opinion or else!
I like them all but I personally think that you have to listen to either FTR or Hatebreeder first and then get into SW and HCD. The sounds/sytle of every album is different. You'd listen to SW and then FTR and then Hatebreeder and then HCD and you would be like, whoa, the styles are the same yet so different. SW is a badass album, but I suggest you get Hatebreeder next.
i think sw was their best, then haterbreeder, then ftr, then hcdr. but im not seeing it as a downward trend or anything, they all kick so much ass, i just dont think there's the classical tint in the newer stuff as much, and i miss it
the SW atmosphere is really great, but they we're young and some song are not as good as other archivement. Hatebreeder is the best COB disk. But all are great, and kissing the shadow is a fucking great song