AYDY had that effect on most everybody. I don't see why people don't like it. Some of Alexi's best riffs (WNGF, TL&S, Bastards of Bodom) and solos (Next in Line, WNGF, Living Dead Beat) are on that album. Granted, keyboarding isn't at its perfection as compared to its predescessors, but it's still awesome. It's a fast-paced album, for the most part. PMIB was a bit of a "try-too-hard" attempt to simulate Angels Don't Kill, in my opinion, but it was still a decent track all in all, and in all honesty, CoB has yet to make an unappealing song that wasn't a cover (their ability is limited in a cover, too).
Too many people bitch about this album, but if you see Bodom play the songs on this album live, then your mind is quickly changed. Alexi really gets into this new album, which leaves the way for an infinitely better show, as he does his harmonic squeals and pinches with far more emotion, I find, and that alone pumped me up at the UA tour. This album was MADE to be played live!
I do miss the old skills, but no band ever got anywhere staying the same. Look at how much Slayer's changed over the years, and they're still one of, if not the most famed active band in metal. CoB is going places farther than ever before, and though it was a shock to us, I think AYDY is the beginning to a refined Bodom. It leaves much room for perfection, but remember......CoB is an exceptional band