Tempo of the Damned sound old school/modern blend of song


Jul 10, 2010
midlands England
Hello, thank you for your time

My band Betrayal have a new recording for our modern/old school slightly cheesy song called Outside/Inside.

I have been trying to get a tempo of the damned type of sound and basically if i can get a mix as half as good as that album im a happy man.

what do you think guys?


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anyone else have an opinion?

the snare is a particularly hard sound to replicate, I think in the tempo of the damned recording Andy sneap must of used a HP filter on the snare at around 200k and he must of really boosted the treble to get that cutting snare sound which is always present in the mix but never overpowering. very hard to achieve, without compromising another instruments brightness. I suspect it may have been turned down or up in the mastering stage.