Ten Years of dorian gray

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
I hope I've enriched everyone's lives. Here's to ten more years and 20,000 more posts detailing my alcohol consumption, tech failings, horror movie reviews, dietetics and insulin production, non-purchases and even some music.
Dorian Day!:kickass:

I don't mean to fart on the party, but this thread just made me realize that we've only got two more years until the 10-year anniversary of Lizard's death. wtf.
Last night, wen drunk, I was convinced his thread read "Ten Inches of Dorian Gray" and was afraid* to click. But then my brain switched off the porn filter.

I just got kicked out of the Opeth Forum so I thought I'd come over here and see what's up because Opeth fans and COB fans are always fighting. So, tell me, why should I listen to COB?

is it me or is everyone gay? the reason i ask this is that the current "hot look" for mainstream male "artists" and other "celebrities" is awfully gay. its something about the t-shirts i think. the cut of them or something. i dunno. we have a really gay neighbor and i always laugh at his outifts and make fun of his diesel t-shirts to his face. he doesnt get it. anyway, hes always wearing the outfits im talking about - real tight $80 t-shirts, real tight jeans, perfectly sculpted facial hair. you get the picture. so, i was just wondering if you guys have noticed that everyone is either gay or wants to dress like it. someone post some pics. christian "artists" are a great example.

when i got back to my car after the hockey game, i discovered someone had illegally parked a camry in front of me and a jeep wrangler had somehow managed to squeeze into what was left of the rear of my space. i say illegal because there was one of those "no parking to corner" signs from my space on - meaning i had the last space.
seeing as how i couldnt get out without hitting the jeep behind me, i gave it several hard hits with my rear bumper. i mustve moved it a little because obviously i got out and im able to tell you this great story. i wasnt sure what to do with the camry and i had a mouthful of spit for some reason. so i spit on it. hahaha
was that a gay thing to do?


btw, yeah i wouldve BLASTED the camry but my airbags wouldve gone off.


No, seriously, what'll it be? I'm convinced he noticed his count right as he was about to post #30,000, deleted it, left UM, and won't ever be back again.
Except to view this thread. Once. And then won't be back again. Alas, Adrian, I knew him well

any of you guys have a gun/guns?

on sunday, we had a bunch of friends over and i sequestered all their babies in our bedroom with a sitter. i was lying in bed last night when i realized i had left my loaded handgun just sitting under my bed. uhhhhh......woops. obviously, no one killed themselves but i keep thinking about what couldve happened.

anyway, i got a .44 special. i've never even fired it. :erk: not many places in downtown nashville to fire a gun......waiting for the next time my car gets busted in to.

Anyone try to keep track of how much shit they consume? I'm constantly amazed at how much trash our family generates....and we're envrionmentally conscientious. We recycle* a huge percentage of our refuse but it still sucks that you can't even eat without generating waste that weighs more than the food itself.

*place recycleables in a recycling bin; I have no idea if anyone actually recycles it.

btw, I have a friend who puts ALL his trash in the recycling bin. He claims "they have to sort through it anyway, so why not just put everything in it?" :lol:


I forgot to mention I've been robbed. It's boring and I don't feel like going through the details after listening to the wife spend endless hours on the phone talking to various parties but basically, I got skimmed. Some sneaky motherfucker got my debit card info from somewhere, probably a gas station, and created a replicate debit card. The wife happened to check our bank statement this past Tuesday (apparently she does this daily) and some $500 had spent in Missouri, a state I don't even know the location of, let alone been there in person.
We're getting the money back but still....FUCK ME that was some scary shit.

A round of applause goes to the first person who figures out where the money was spent. It's easy: it was all in one place and it was the same place that all dregs of American society goes not only to shop regularly but also the minute someone gets their hands on a stolen debit or credit card



this morning when i realized that New Orleans was NOT going to get wiped off the face of the planet, i got kinda irritated. in all honesty, i was actually looking forward to the destruction of that shithole of a city. in my defense though, it wasnt like i wanted a million people to die - they had already evacuated - i just wanted there to be nothing for them to return to.

i think the media had something to do with this. for several days before landfall, they were touting the ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION OF EVERYTHING. it was ridiculous.

so did anyone else get bummed when nothing happened? or is there something wrong with me?


Sounds like a song title Steven Wilson would come up with
Anyway, whenever I hear music coming from someone's open car window I always listen in hopes it's something cool. It never is. Yet, yesterday I was waltzing into Office Depot to get a part for my fax machine and a guy rolled by blasting Primus's "The Toys go Winding Down". I gave a hurrah but I don't think he heard me....

So tell me what ye have heard (your own car window doesn't count)


haha, this is an email i sent my HOA this weekend. i am...urrr...was the Treasurer. I got into an email fight with some fag neighbor about something i wrote in this. is it rude to any of you? we're still having a gay email battle but ive destroyed him in every one - because theres nothing in this that is rude.

"hey everyone,

if you are using or plan to use direct deposit to pay your dues, please send me an email or better yet, a paper copy, documenting when your payment was deposited. our bank statements dont reflect where a payment came from, so i have no way to keep track of who made a deposit and when. ill have to assume your dues werent paid until i see proof.
so far, three of you are doing it. if anyone else wants to, just let me know and ill get you the account number.
also, every unit owes dues for april and several of you owe for march. one of you owes for about six months. i want to go to the bank this week, please get checks to me.

thanks in advance

ps: i promised some of you paper copies of your accounts. i am out of paper right now so i will try and get some this week.
ill send everyone who didnt get my speadsheet attachment an email with the amount they owe here shortly."




i'm thinking of getting a road bike. super ghey, i know. but i aint never had one and they sure look purty and fast.
the mountain bike i want is the cannondale prophet 600 which is fucking $1650, after tax more like $1800 and i dont wanna spend that much. i can get a nice road bike from $800-$1100 before tax, which is still a big chunk of change but better than $1650.
the problems are obvious: with a mountain bike, i can go anywhere. with a road bike, i am confined to the road.
any ideas?


Nothing of Note