Terrorizer magazine review...


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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during my usual pop into WH Smith, read and not buying of terrorizer (which hundreds of people do a day it seems) there was a part where Mikael comments about the various polls about his weight and tash...:lol: seems to me like hes taking it more seriously than anyone else :D oh well, i thought it was funny... :rolleyes:
Well, for the first year and a half of this forum's existence he's been getting nothing but over the top praise and acclamations of genius. He didn't complain about that!
Originally posted by _Transparent_
during my usual pop into WH Smith, read and not buying of terrorizer (which hundreds of people do a day it seems) there was a part where Mikael comments about the various polls about his weight and tash...:lol: seems to me like hes taking it more seriously than anyone else :D oh well, i thought it was funny... :rolleyes:
It was funny :lol:

Thank god he hasn't seen EVERYTHING what people have talked...:rolleyes:
Have you possibly said some things about Mr. Å that you now regretting, darlin'? :Smug: :rolleyes:

Tsk Tsk.