Testament almost became Dog Faced Gods?

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Mattias of the Night said:
Yup, that's what they all say. They all say "FUCK U IM NOT ANGRY I KILL U FOREVER!!!!!!!" after having yelled at me for the past 10 posts. I know your fanboy type.

Shows you have experience Fuck'n with people, I never yelled at you either, every breath you exhale, is wrong. Now back to your underground hole............I know your type, all talk, & it goes back
to your Mother........................
Man, Mattias is hilarious, I laughed pretty good. It did seem like DE was taking him seriously (which frankly baffled me since he was so obviously being sarcastic), but maybe he was just playing off it to make it more funny.

The Ritual sucked monkey balls; most disappointing CD I ever bought. Should I be banned too now?
Why waste your time here on this board if you just want to stir up trouble and be rude to the band members? If you're so intellegent and mature you wouldn't do something so childlike to be making fun of someone's hair, especially someone that had cancer. That is very disrespectful for someone to do. That alone should get you banned, not for not liking a peticular record. I bet you wouldn't say that to Chuck if he was in front of you, would you ? :Smug:
Mattias of the Night said:
Actually I've seen some other band (with short hair) called that several times while flipping through used CDs. But fuck them, you do what you want to do. Take shit from no one.

Damn right:flame: Fuck those bastards!
I'll show them what Dog Faced Gods are all about:rock:!
What does hair have to do with anything? I read his post, found it slightly amusing, and decided to play along. DE decided to take it seriously, because he already has a beef with Mattias or something.

I don't understand why I've been categorized as "Mattias's fanboy and gay love"...I don't even know this dude. I happened to think something he said was vaguely funny - it was an obviously ludicrous statement, and what made it funny was DE's serious reaction to it. I somehow doubt Chuck was really offended by that...maybe this hair thing, whatever it was, but not this thread. If he was, I apologize for anything I did to contribute to that.

DE, last I checked "you suck his cock!" or whatever didn't exactly uphold the standards of debate at this board. And Val's image won't load for me, but I can guess by the URL. So a question: Why, exactly, did you go to all the trouble to get that image?

Another question: What was funny about Jimbob that wasn't funny about Mattias? I don't understand what the big deal is here...DE got all pissed over a couple smartass comments, and then everybody jumped on the flaming bandwagon. I'm not here to cause trouble, but if anybody has some sort of issues they need to work out by pointlessly insulting a guy they've never met who has nothing in particular against them, go ahead. Let me state first that I generally feel a sense of kinship and fraternal love for other members of the metal community, and I defend them to the philistines of the world at every chance I get. I'm hoping I won't be proven a liar here.

Now that that's said, let the flaming commence.
Yeah, I've noticed that musicians take criticism a lot better than their fans (myself included) do. Try baiting a Metallica board with "They sold out" or a Maiden board with "They do the same thing over and over." Then look at the band's reaction to those things. Hell, I think Lars gets some sort of perverse enjoyment out of it.
Pyrus said:
Another question: What was funny about Jimbob that wasn't funny about Mattias?

Uh, I know 'jimbob' (sorta)... we've interacted before and I've given him info for his site about Testament/DragonLord. I really don't give a rat's ass about the other guy. Looks like he annoys people on other boards. I personally don't think his posts are funny... just stupid/attention seeking, but "whatever floats his boat!"

You're a little smart-ass, and I mean that fondly :lol:. We've done the flaming shit in the distant past. It was amusing at first, then it gets rather boring...

D.E. is a veteran here, AND a close friend of mine. He's only being protective of his familia=Testament. He's hardly a "fanboy."
Testament Legions said:
He's only being protective of his familia=Testament. He's hardly a "fanboy."

:lol: Most ironic quote ever!

The best of all though, is that I haven't said anything bad about Testament. And still I make people angry. I am truly fantastic. I deserve NOT to be banned just because of that!
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