Testament Management's Statement re Eric's accident, 6/15/04

June 15, 2004

The tour will go on! Read below:

We are still sorting out the details of this tragedy. Eric lost his footing on the stairs at the venue in Martin, Slovakia, at the Kozel Pub Club, and fell. He broke his leg in 3 places. Chuck also slipped but was not hurt, fortunately, I was told by Beau King, our road manager, Beau said he now has not slept for 2 days.

The band did the show in Martin with Metal Mike covering the guitar parts. We have had this difficulty in the past of having one guitarist, but under very different circumstances to be sure. So, we have been able to give a killer show with lead vocals, drums, bass, and lead guitar before, and we have done it again, and we will do it where we must for now. Testament will always survive their difficulties as many times before.

The band decided it would be best due to the severe injury to go to the hospital in Vienna. So they got emergency treatment in Martin, and left and drove overnight to Vienna. Eric has been admitted in to the hospital and that is what they did today. Sorry for today's scheduled show being missed. He was scheduled for surgery to put pins in his leg and the surgery was done tonight. He will have a full leg cast and cannot walk. He will be in the hospital for about 4 days. We will send someone, probably Walter, back to get him when he is released and he will get back to the band by train. He cannot fly for 2 weeks. I do not know yet the long term effects of this injury. It is very unfortunate.

The band will pick up the schedule tomorrow. Starting next Saturday, our old lead guitar player Steve Smyth will rejoin the band and finish the tour. We will do the next few shows as we did the show in Martin.
Testament Legions said:
June 15, 2004

We are still sorting out the details of this tragedy. Eric lost his footing on the stairs at the venue in Martin, Slovakia, at the Kozel Pub Club, and fell. He broke his leg in 3 places. Chuck also slipped but was not hurt, fortunately, I was told by Beau King, our road manager, Beau said he now has not slept for 2 days.

The band did the show in Martin with Metal Mike covering the guitar parts. We have had this difficulty in the past of having one guitarist, but under very different circumstances to be sure. So, we have been able to give a killer show with lead vocals, drums, bass, and lead guitar before, and we have done it again, and we will do it where we must for now. Testament will always survive their difficulties as many times before.

The band decided it would be best due to the severe injury to go to the hospital in Vienna. So they got emergency treatment in Martin, and left and drove overnight to Vienna. Eric has been admitted in to the hospital and that is what they did today. Sorry for today's scheduled show being missed. He was scheduled for surgery to put pins in his leg and the surgery was done tonight. He will have a full leg cast and cannot walk. He will be in the hospital for about 4 days. We will send someone, probably Walter, back to get him when he is released and he will get back to the band by train. He cannot fly for 2 weeks. I do not know yet the long term effects of this injury. It is very unfortunate.

The band will pick up the schedule tomorrow. Starting next Saturday, our old lead guitar player Steve Smyth will rejoin the band and finish the tour. We will do the next few shows as we did the show in Martin.

oh~~poor Eric:erk: hope u get well soon!! how did that happen??
and good to hear that Steve will be back, true brotherhood!!!
wondering who's gonna play Eric's part~~
Shit, I didn't know it's that serious. I hope they have good doctors in Vienna and that there are no long term effects and Eric recovers as soon as possible. I also hope the management will keep us updated on his condition.
That's very nice of Steve to fly to Europe and help his former bandmates out.
Testament Legions said:
The band will pick up the schedule tomorrow. Starting next Saturday, our old lead guitar player Steve Smyth will rejoin the band and finish the tour. We will do the next few shows as we did the show in Martin.

It was the 1st thought on my mind when soulflypl called me with that sad news about Eric. I didint want to post that in order to avoid dissapointment Oh man, I wish I had money to take a trip to any upcoming T`s gig...
And to meet Stefek...

Besides, y`day me and soulflypl went to see Exodus in Warsaw and we met the band just after we reached the venue. News about Eric`s accident was a news of a day for his friends of Exodus.
Testament Legions said:
Steve Smyth is on his way to Holland with Nevermore to play the Waldrock. Right after Nevermore finishes their set, he's on the tour bus with Testament to fill in for the remaining Euro tour dates.

Good thing Steve isn't touring right now. Three places to break a leg is serious shit. I'm only praying that he can walk without a limp. And being tied down to a bed is a worse fate yet. Three weeks was tough for even me. TL, please give Steve my best and if you speak to DE tell him I said hi, please!
Testament Legions said:
June 15, 2004

The tour will go on! Read below:

We are still sorting out the details of this tragedy. Eric lost his footing on the stairs at the venue in Martin, Slovakia, at the Kozel Pub Club, and fell. He broke his leg in 3 places. Chuck also slipped but was not hurt, fortunately, I was told by Beau King, our road manager, Beau said he now has not slept for 2 days.

That sucks for Eric. I was backstage for a band in Mexico in 2000, and we were walking down the stairs after the gig in this shit-ass Mexican dump venue when I slipped on some wet stairs myself. I guess the roof was leaking water, or some sewage from the pipes. Anyways, I slipped on one stair and fell, right on my ass! Luckily I didn't break anything, but it hurt so bad I could barely breathe for twenty minutes afterwards. My ass looked like I was thrown in a maximum security prison for a week, if you know what I mean! :Spin:

Hopefully, Eric recovers quickly. I can't wait for the new album!
wow. Steve Smyth shows some amazing support. This just makes me think about LIFE. You guys are just like a family to me...just a big one, and one of the coolest kind. Keep it up people, we're with u.

ERIC get well, dammit!!!!!!!!!!! Stay strong!!!!!!!!!!

TL thanx for the news!
Hy this is Dominik from Resonance Promotions Austria!

In order of Eric I should say to all of you big thanx for the wishes to him. I sent them today per Fax in the hospital. He is well but bored. At the moment he is reading a book that the time past faster. For about three days he is able to walk with crutches. In two days I will visit him again, so post your greets to him!

Thanx Dominik for the news! I really hope he can afford the situation... I'd like to suggest him some books to read: "BAG OF BONES" and "SKELETON CREW" from Stephen King, if he didn't already red them all...especially the story named The Myst...which has connection with a KONAMI v-game named Silent Hill..I saw some old pic of him playing with a playstation so maybe he knows that game and want to explore the thing out!

OK, I am crazy I guess. Get well asap, RIFFING GOD!!!