Testament setlist from Sun n' Steel?

Testament Legions said:
Their set was cut short - they went on at 2:00AM I believe.

HOLY SMOKES! Was the whole lineup late going on hence cutting Tests time?
Man that sucks. It's like they waiting around all day and night to do a half
set? Least they got to go to Florida :)
I was there and here's the whole story. As you can imagine at any metal fest with a shit load of bands, time is of the essence. Ofcoarse the roadies didn't fully understand that because not only did they start the first act late, they also got even further behind with lenthy sound tests. At the show, the stage was splite in half, one for the band that was playing, the other for the next to set up. Well the idea is to sound check the next band while the other is playing. The roadies finnally got down to buisness around the 4th or 5th act and each band would play right after the other and thanx to a band not showing up, they finally caught up on schedule. Well things didn't go smoothly, when Macabre came out, there was a band techniqual difficulty that set them back 30 min. After that, the roadies slacked off and werent' getting the other bands ready in time. Ice-T's Body count (who fucking put these guys on the bill?) cut their bill short leaving testament more or less and hour to play. Well the fucking crew fucked this one up to because they weren't even set up for testament. I was talking to one of the guys in the crowd who was a guitarist for one of the bands (Premonition) and he said that he talked to chuck billy about this. He said chuck said that this (running out of time) had happened a few times before and that it was a comon occorence at these metal fests. So the roadies finnaly said "fuck it, there is no time, we'll mix it while they play. That was about 1:30 AM when they said that. Finally testament came out and just started playing. The only thing comin out of the PA was the bass and drums. The vocal soon followed and eventually the guitars kicked in and every body was happy. They played only 6 songs 'cause thats all the time they had, it wasn't their fault. But Chuck made up for it because on "over the wall" he told us to get on stage with them and jump the barracade in the spirit of the song. So I and 20 or so people got up on stage and pitted and sang along with over the wall. It was great.

But enough rambling, the moral of the story is, if you are running a music festival with a shitload of guys on the bill you need to run the thing like a ship.
That is SOOOO typical of a Jack Koshick-run event. That man and his staff are morons. Same thing happened to Overkill at last year's NJ Metalfest.

I sure hope they have their shit together by Saturday night...
My cousin and I were there also, and could'nt believe they got their set list cut. But it was excellent when Chuck pulled everyone up on stage with them. People were everywhere and the band never missed a note!!!! They prove time and time again why they are the greatest thrash band in the world!!!!!!!

Testament Legions said:
That was the worst. Don't forget the part when the cops came in telling everyone to "leave."

Hmmmmm I don't remember that part. I remember hearing Chuck belting it out and then all of a sudden nothing nada zip coming outta his lips. I musta been gone by the time the cops came by and told everyone to leave. I had to drive home and get some sleep cause I drove back the next day for the second day of the festival.
Even if the setlist was short, in wish i could have seen it.
Too bad that they didn´t have a chance to play one of the new songs..
That would have been great.
But if you only have a half set then you offcourse play the most wanted songs.

But i agree Testament deserves alot more stagetime.
The band had a set list of 15 songs........The Event Roadies, did'nt help, they did'nt get Testament set up right at all, no vocals at the start, no Steve Smyth for 2 songs, too much Bass, The Monitor guy was useless, the mix on stage, was horrific......The equipment was not what the promter had agreed upon, the equipment provided failed, the Technical problems were numerous......No stage manager that timed bands, to get them on & off stage properly.......And Testament was stuck on the same stage where Macabre had already had numerous problems(the same as Testament)...Time allowed them only to play half an hour, they planned on playing 1 hour 20 minutes.....In short this is in no way how a Headliner should be treated, and there were other problems that happened from the time we landed, he broke the contract that was signed, Testament did not legally have to play, but decided to play just for the Florida fans, who had waited all day to hear the band.......He originally wanted the band to stay in a hotel that was 45 minutes away from the venue. But we found a Hotel 2 blocks away, a nice Hotel, but we were told everything was sold out, in other words, we were lied to, again & again all day. This shit always happens when you deal with this guy.......I wish he could of come to TOTT's........He could taken lessons on how to put on and organize a Major Festival, he still has not figured that out!.......This was a nightmare of a Festival, I know the band would like to apologize to everyone that stayed to see them.........But just remember none of was the bands fault, they are planning on playing 3rd down on the bill in New Jersey, so they don't get cut off, & have time to fix all problems beforehand...... before having to come on & play a short set........I hope everyone understands, I saw all of this go down, and I was embarrassed for the band, and the fans.....I was really upset at how they were treated all day........The promoter(Jack)........was hidding all day, and could not be reached to correct all the numerous problems........I've seen him do this before..........it's so sad!
I did get to see & visit with James Murphy, he was going to play Low with the band, but that never happened due to situations beyond the bands control......
James had a good time, he said he has'nt drinken that much in 5 years!
Jon Oliva(Savatage), Richard Christy(Death), and Nick Barker(Dimmu Borgir) were also there visiting with the band.........
Walter, all that shit really sucks..

I agree with you that setting up a festival is serious business.
And when a festival-organizer fucks you up, then the fans, the band and the crew gets fucked in the ass..
But the true fans know that this kind of shit is something the band cannot always prefend or do something about.. I think you guys have this kinda shit more often...right?
Don't you guys ever wanna knock such an assholes teeth out..or something..?
Or am i thinking too drastic now..?
I hope for you the next shows will go a lot smoother.

:headbang: Rock on Deadly
Deadly Embrace said:
...But just remember none of was the bands fault, they are planning on playing 3rd down on the bill in New Jersey, so they don't get cut off, & have time to fix all problems beforehand...
Deadly, what do you mean, they're playing 3 bands from the end of the night? So, roughly 9:00 PMish if things are going according to plan/schedule?

I just want to repeat that Jack Koshick is an ass, in case that wasn't clear to anyone.
It seems Jack fucked up another festival with the help of Macabre. Here's what Bruce from Agent Steel had to say about the event (it was on the Perpetual Motion: X board):

Well, another metal fest comes and goes with barely a whimper. To quote Milano, "And the crowd went mild." Perhaps it is poor advertisement, perhaps it's that the venue could have held 6,000 comfortably, perhaps it was the segregating of smokers and drinkers, perhaps it's that not so many people care, but this, with the ubiquitous exception of meeting cool new people and seeing old friends, was by far the worst one of these, in terms of number, that I've ever attended. This is no slag on the crew, who did a great job - with the exception of the sound butcher who hacked the shit out of Chris Broderick, Bernie, and who knows how many other guitarists, or the bands, with one notable exception, who all played their asses off, or the fans in attendance who were sincere, dedicated and kind to each other. I'm not going to speculate further about the situation since my view is generally regarded as dim to begin with. I will say, however, that Macabre really did a nice job of fucking up the schedule and that they should have been bounced from the bill. It wasn't like there were technical difficulties. What there was was a severe inability to function under the weight of what must have been gallons of alcohol. Macabre were very fortunate that the crew didn't want to go to jail because they were seconds away from being pummelled. This kinda selfish behavior cost the fans the headliner's show and it shouldn't have been tolerated. We should have just played as soon as we were ready (it took about 15 minutes) and Macabre should have been escorted from the stage and Prong should have started setting up. I don't know shit about their music, maybe it's good. They could be my favorite fuckin' band and I'd still say the same thing. They were rude to the bands and the crew and more importantly, to the fans for not giving them enough respect to just show up and do their goddamn job without incident. Just thought I'd let ya know what happened on Saturday and why people are bitching about Macabre. It's their own damn fault. Thanks to everyone from here who did come out (Chris, Chris, and Scott) and maybe we'll see the rest of you someday, too.
markgugs said:
I sure hope they have their shit together by Saturday night...

Seriously! Or they will have some really upset fans that payed $43 to see just them play.