

New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2002
kosiusko, mississippi
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i've noticed that a bunch of people who have been in testament at one time or another have been in a bunch of other bands. anyone who is trying to document the "testament family tree" has quite a challenge ahead of them. i'm sort of trying to do that myself, but i still don't know A LOT ...

Chuck Billy vocals
Eric Peterson guitars (See also Dragonlord)
Steve Smythe guitars (See also Vicious Rumors, Dragonlord)
Steve DiGiorgio bass (See also Sadus, Death, Control Denied, Iced Earth, Autopsy)
Jon Allen drums (See also Sadus, Dragonlord)

Alex Skolnick guitars (See also Savatage, Attention Deficit)
Glen Alvelais guitars (See also Forbidden)
James Murphy guitars (See also Death, Obituary, Disincarnate, Konkhra, Cancer)
Greg Christian bass
Derek Ramirez bass
Louie Clemente drums
Paul Bostaph drums (See also Slayer, Forbidden)
John Tempesta drums (See also Exodus, White Zombie)
Jon Dette drums
Gene Hoglan drums (See also Strapping Young Lad, Dark Angel, Death, Old Man's Child)
Dave Lombardo drums (See also Slayer, Grip Inc.)
Digiorgio is also in Dark Hall. Lombardo played on some heavy metal rendition of classical pieces thing that I can't seem to find anything about. Anyone know what it was called or where I could find it? It sounded really interesting. Greg Christian and John Dette have a new band; can't remember the name...go look on blabbermouth.
Maybe our webmistess, will have a complete family tree on the site when it opens back up from reconstuction, I think that's a totally great idea, that would be a great addition.......................................................:) :) :) :)
So TesTAmenT have 16 numbers of members to play ?
If they play a show in the same time , what will happen ?

Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
Maybe our webmistess, will have a complete family tree on the site when it opens back up from reconstuction, I think that's a totally great idea, that would be a great addition.......................................................:) :) :) :)

I think it's a great idea too, but... when will be back?