Originally posted by IRoN
Ummm, ok, this thread sounds like the Finnish 101 Course, so maybe I've come to the right place...
There's a Finn on the team, and he always wears this strange shirt every match day's morning... He says it's his lucky shirt, and I must agree because he plays awesome handball
The question is: What is the meaning of the words written on the shirt?
It reads,
Asialliset hommat thedään, muuten ollaan kun Ellun kanat.
Btw, he's taught me some practical language as well. It's nice using a couple of "haista vittu"s for a change![]()
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
Uhm....I think we need Eddy here, I don't know how to transalate that so good.....
Aaaawww..noooooooo.......I hope Eddy knows it....where is he anyway..?Originally posted by IRoN
That's what the owner of the shirt said!
I'll die a sad man if I do not learn what it means![]()
Originally posted by IRoN
Ummm, ok, this thread sounds like the Finnish 101 Course, so maybe I've come to the right place...
There's a Finn on the team, and he always wears this strange shirt every match day's morning... He says it's his lucky shirt, and I must agree because he plays awesome handball
The question is: What is the meaning of the words written on the shirt?
It reads,
Asialliset hommat thedään, muuten ollaan kun Ellun kanat.
Btw, he's taught me some practical language as well. It's nice using a couple of "haista vittu"s for a change![]()
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
Muuten, onko laseistasi kuulunut mitään? Näin yhdet sellaiset kouluun tullessani, ja ne hirveästi nyyhkyttivät ja hokivat että tahtovat Eddyn luokse. Enhän minä niitä voinut sinne hankeen jättää ypönä, sääliksi kävi pieniä, värisivät vilusta. Otin ne mukaan, laitoin lapasen sisään lämpiämään ja koitin lohduttaa, että ei mitään hätää,pääsevät kohta kyllä takaisin Eddyn luokse. Koulussa menin sitten ruokalaan, tarjosin niille sapuskaa (broileripyöryköitä) ja tuuditin lopuksi uneen. Nyt ne tuhisevat söpösti tuossa lapasessaniTahdotko pienokaiset takaisin?
Originally posted by Eddy
Something like that. Ask your friend if I was even remotely correct, it's very hard to translate proverbs and culture limited expressions to other languages.
Originally posted by IRoN
The closest translation he could come up with was something like:
"What needs to be done will be done, otherwise we don't give a shit!"
Wtf?! This language is too hard even for its native speakers
I guess I'll not delve further into its depths, it's better to stick and remain with just haista vittu![]()
Ja wohl mein Freund...Originally posted by enitharmon
Yeah, I could start writing in Greek now, see if you're gonna like it!!!
Originally posted by enitharmon
Oh well, German would do too!![]()