Thank you and Good Night

Looks like it was a great weekend again, stil a pity i had to miss it

Harvester said:
5. I may as well piss everyone off right now and give you a year's worth of advance warning. ALL DIGITAL CAMERAS ARE BANNED EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.

Dammit !

Harvester said:
I will place order information on the website for the remaining DVDs within a week.

Yay! luckily they didn't sold out, just need a copy. I'll keep an eye on the website Glenn.

Harvester said:
Take care and see you next year.

Hopefully !

but first PP Europe in two weeks.
(i do hope i find some time to upload the pics i will shoot there)

Can't say how disapointed I am in hearing that news about Digi's but I completely understand, technology as well as micro technology is really getting out of hand.

Saying that, its all good, my pictures with my old Minolta from PPUSA 2.0 were probably the best ones I have ever taken, maybe its time to revisit that method again :tickled:

Thanks G, we had such a great time, it was off the hook!!!!!!Can't wait to do it again!!

MetalAges said:
I knew the amount of busts that were happening from backstage but the point I knew it was over for the digital stuff was watching the group of fellas in the Granada lobby viewing 4-5 minute clips from Angra and Conception. It was pretty damn good quality but contributes to the banning for everyone now...thank ya....

I'd like to add a thank you here to all the bands/labels who participated on the sampler and the program this year \m/ . It was a pleasure working with everyone and thanks for everyone paying (more on that below). Great seeing all the same faces and new ones as well this year! Thanks to Ryan for the help up front as well as Dave (Beyond Ear Candy).

I'll add a big "thanks a lot (for nothing) (since this fest has come and gone with no word from them) to the band Luna Dementia for screwing us out of the sampler fee from last year. Same goes for Dave McBee (formerly of Shock Opera) who contributed to us not getting a full fee from the band Shock Opera (the band did pay some of the fee out of good grace but not all...).

Now to watch this DVD...

17 bust absolutley blows me away!!!!!! I can't believe that there were that many dumb asses out there willing to compromise getting kicked out of the show! Can you imagine how much money you would be loosing if you got booted out of the show? At least $400! A lousy bootleg is not worth getting kicked out of this festival, so that's the bottom line! Apparetley, there's not a shortage of jackasses, that's for sure!
Harvester said:
I could care less why they were taping, but they WERE taping. It is ILLEGAL and was signed posted on the tickets sold and posted everywhere. There was not a single band at the show that wanted to be recorded. Those that broke the rules had no respect for the bands or my rules.

Glenn H.

In all honesty, I think you're being extremely resonable by letting people use regular 35mm cameras next year. I appreciate you allowing that. I realize it sounds geeky, but I enjoy taking concert pics and keeping them in a photo album at home. It's not everyday that I get to see my favorite bands from overseas perform in one setting, so I like to look back on it.
All I have to say to glenn is: Sorry for standing on the stairs during the Stratovarious set, but thanks for coming down and stoping the rediculious mosh pit. It was funny to see you cut your way through the crowd, angry scowls turned into the parting of the metal-head sea.


Oh, yah, bring back mercenary.
Yea, one more thing, Glenn-a-rino; The kid with the Mindless Self Indulgence really annoyed me, as did his friend with the bondage top thing.... Their MERE APPEARANCE should have warranted them being refused to enter the venue, at any cost. And a stern ass kicking from the Michael Clark Duncan bouncer for insulting everyone like that =)

Sucks with the digi cams especially for those who want to take some buddy shots in the lobby, I like some alternate ideas tho, pro audio shots, pro video etc.

I know for the USSBA (US Scholastic Band Association) (I play Tenors for our drumline), my high school perform @ Giants Statdium for the big championship show, and they offer a pro shot DVD of your performance, and the option for EVERY bands performance for a nominal fee. I definitely support that notion, $10-15/DVD/set or $75 for the entire festival. And it would benefit people who couldn't afford getting down to the Fest, or people who couldnt make it, (I know my dad got stuck in traffic and missed Stride, Symphorce and PC69, the three bands he was looking forward to most), and in a case like that, being able to get the official live performance would be awesome.
Oo, I like that Idea. I'd have so shelled out for an Orphaned Land Performance. I really wish there was a PPIV dvd avalible with Mercenary's set/part of said.. that'd own.
Let's not forget that cell phones nowadays can record. I sympathize with Glenn and the artists, but let's be real: this is a losing battle that's only going to get more lopsided in favor of the bootleggers as time passes.
urinalcakemix said:
I know for the USSBA (US Scholastic Band Association) (I play Tenors for our drumline), my high school perform @ Giants Statdium for the big championship show, and they offer a pro shot DVD of your performance, and the option for EVERY bands performance for a nominal fee. I definitely support that notion, $10-15/DVD/set or $75 for the entire festival. And it would benefit people who couldn't afford getting down to the Fest, or people who couldnt make it, (I know my dad got stuck in traffic and missed Stride, Symphorce and PC69, the three bands he was looking forward to most), and in a case like that, being able to get the official live performance would be awesome.

The thing is......I don't think it's really up to Glenn to release DVDs of the band performances. Same thing with the CD people were talking about. I imagine it's up to the label/band. It would be awesome to get some kind of deal worked out with the bands/labels beforehand.

But the other thing I was mentioning, is I don't think it's possible yet to do that so as to have the DVD ready when people walk out the door, and I don't know if it would get as many buys if it was on sale from the site after the fact, just since it's not a direct thing. Just my guess, I don't really know anything. :p
adaher said:
Let's not forget that cell phones nowadays can record. I sympathize with Glenn and the artists, but let's be real: this is a losing battle that's only going to get more lopsided in favor of the bootleggers as time passes.

It's true, but there's a whole world of difference between even a five minute cell phone recording and a full set recording sold on Ebay. Banning Digital Cameras is probably going to cut 90% of the bootlegging.
I totally understand Glenn...but like someone said, technology is tipping on the bootleger's side, I just hope it doesn't get to the point where cameras are banned altogether..that would suck and hamper part of what makes PP so special.

There's gotta be a workaround to this so everyone please provide suggestions as to how we can help fix this problem.
J-Dubya 777 said:
I figured it would only be a matter of time before this happened. :yell:
"Thanks" to all of the assholes who wrecked this for the rest of us.
I doubt any of them frequent this board, but if by some chance you do, a hearty "Fuck Off & Die" goes out personally from me, to you...... :yuk: :hotjump:

It does suck about no more digital cameras. We run a metal website ( & we have a digital & still couldn't get many great pictures, our zoom kinda sucks. The only time we got good pics was when we were right in front of the barrier. Our camera also has video capability, but there was NO WAY we would ever think of doing that!!! We personally think bootleggers should be shot!!! :yell:

With that being said, we totally understand why Glenn doesn't want digital cameras...some bastards really had to screw it up for everyone (as someone usually does)!!!

Well...that's it for the little rant. We do want to thank Glenn for a great ProgPower. This was our first year attending, and most likely we will be back next year!!! See you all then!!! :rock:

Barking Pumpkin said:
The thing is......I don't think it's really up to Glenn to release DVDs of the band performances. Same thing with the CD people were talking about. I imagine it's up to the label/band. It would be awesome to get some kind of deal worked out with the bands/labels beforehand.

But the other thing I was mentioning, is I don't think it's possible yet to do that so as to have the DVD ready when people walk out the door, and I don't know if it would get as many buys if it was on sale from the site after the fact, just since it's not a direct thing. Just my guess, I don't really know anything. :p

It's not quite there yet, but close.

The fastest time for a music DVD to be filmed and then released is 63 hr 29 min. Featuring the band Marillion, it was recorded at the Marillion Convention at Butlins, Minehead, Somerset UK on 14 March 2003, before going on sale to the public on 17 March 2003.
I've thought about the camera thing for most of the day now. The one thing that is irritating me is this.....

Even though digi's are banned....the people that are dishonest and can't live with the rules will still continue to bootleg the show. They will all figure out a way to get the camera's into the show and make recordings....while those of us that do not take video, only pic's will leave the camera's behind. So we all end up screwed now....and then.
I saw a guy filming Dreamscape during the pre-party. He wasn't even using a digital camera, but a regular camcorder. I told the bouncer sitting by the gold badge lounge. He shrugged and said something very fast in a strong accent, but didn't seem like he cared. I felt bad that this guys was doing that to a VERY cool band, but apparently nobody made the same rule for the pre-party (or it wasn't communicated very well to the event staff).
Edu_Falaschi said:
Glen are we going to have PP DVDs every year from now on?

what's wrong w/ moshing? Isn't PP a metal festival?

No, this is the only DVD I plan on ever doing.

As for the moshing, this is not a hardcore show full of young kids. I cater to my paying customer and my audience does not want it. Period. I'm all about thrashing, jumping, banging your head, etc. However, slamming into people is not tolerated. If you want that, head to Ozzfest.

Glenn H.
Edu_Falaschi said:
what's wrong w/ moshing? Isn't PP a metal festival?

No comments....

And in regards to your bootleg comment earlier, that's how everything starts... by an ASSHOLE recording stuff for personal use who's usually supported by other ASSHOLES.