Thank you Mr. Wu!


Mar 25, 2004
This is the thread for thanking Mr. Wu (who could it be?) and those guys from Anthrax for 20 years I entered and a became apart of, far too late. Crikey Moses, you even put up with my "Scott's guitar playing these days" thread. ;) It's cool enough that you're willing to listen to my rants.

I'd just like to say that it is super cool for a band as successful and cool as Anthrax to write to their fans on this board. Bands with lesser mettle would stick their noses up in the air and not take part in the people that participate in keeping the ball roling. That is obviously not the case with Anthrax. Thanks guys.

Thank you for being the most honest and gutsy band out, with perseverence (sp?) to make statues out of the competition. You guys take knocks and keep going, it inspires me in my life too.

Scott, your passion for life and especially music is way too special in this world of textbook musicians and stereotypes of how people should be. You did what you wanted to do and still do it, and my god, the day I get to see any of you guys on stage will be shit hot for me. I don't need to hear from the CD-inlay that you stomped for Stomp 442, I can feel it while listening to it and all the other discs.

I never got a chance or probably will never get a chance to raise my glass to you lot, but I hope this suffices for a few errr... months.

There are so many more I'd like to applaud for, but I'm sure the rest on this board would like to give a few hell yeahs as well!!

Thanks for making the best music for the last 2 decades. Thanks for not selling out, and thanks for the new albums that will be coming out.
Help, I'm a moron. From past posts it looks like Wu could be both Scott and Charlie using the same handle? Or, uh am I just retarded? If so can I change my Handle to Corky666?
By the way as always thanks for 20 plus years Wu (who ever you may be) for good tunes, good times and inspiration.
I might sound like a dofus when I say this but if a band is down to earth like Anthrax people (especially non-fans) are sensitive to what they say in interviews, if they say something some people imdediatly run off to Blabbermouth and post "They have done it... ThraX is just a bunch of fakes. They´re just in it for the money and loathe their fans".

When artists like Metallica, Britney or 50 Cent speak their mind people don´t give a damn because they aren´t on the same level. The fact that some take offense is a sign that Thrax have credibility.
Metallica oh so sure don't give a damn. But give a damn when their album sales go down and notice that quite a few would like them to rewind to the old days. Enter St. Anger.
What no solos? Just like Korn?
What, starting to whine and act irrationally emotional like Johnathan Davis? Just like Korn?
How about changing how you all look once again.
I'm sorry but I see something seriously fucked up in how fake Jonathan Davis's cries are in Daddy? Maybe pretending to have childhood problems or any for that matter is cool these days. Jonathan Davis is so fake live, and the kiddies just eat it up. ???
Jonathan Davis is neither irrational nor fake in his writing. He really did go through some shit as a kid. Live he may seem fake to you, but that's because after a while you become callous to the same shit night after night.
I don't think any of us can be dead sure that John went through that stuff.....after hearing the rest of the band laugh at him in the studio.....
If he did, he is absolutely remarkable to be still alive today, I probably would've gone nuts. I believe his father sexually abused him while his mother watched.
Ragamuffin, I'm hoping you're childhood was completely different to John's. Very far from containing similarities I hope. Ozzy also experienced some abuse as well, I suppose it's how you handle the problem.
Yeah, I heard there were a group of psychologist tryin' to analyze him at one stage(probably more now) and it's said that his dad used to throw petrol on him and try and light him. Fuck!
thenotman said:
Yeah, I heard there were a group of psychologist tryin' to analyze him at one stage(probably more now) and it's said that his dad used to throw petrol on him and try and light him. Fuck!
He should have been more accurate then. What a pity.
thenotman said:
This is the thread for thanking Mr. Wu (who could it be?) and those guys from Anthrax
Hell Yeah, thanks for many of the best hours I had in the last 15 years listening to you live, on video, vinyl & cd, reading your lyrics or banging my head. Thanks for not beeing an “embarassing" band. I’m proud to tell people that my favorite band is anthrax.

But wait, they did’nt split! So don’t read this all, Mr.Wu, because you could get vain.

You guys allways ruled and still rule this business!:worship:
It feels good to give them an extra supply of endorphins, instead of where's my skateboard. Other bands wouldn't give a damn where your skateboard is.
Why am I playing Korn Historian...

Anyway, he wasn't abused by his father, but by a neighbor. He told his mother and father and they didn't believe him. Saying 'you knew' and 'you watched' is artistic liscense.

Marilyn Manson however wasn't abused as a kid. His parents were actually pretty cool and very supportive of his creepyness.
Well, I heard Marilyn was abused, damn. Thanks for different info.
Bed time. Neighbours should be asleep by now.