Thank You Scientist - Holy Smokes!

I just got back from seeing Thank You Scientist (TYS). They totally kicked ass! :rock: Sometimes, you hear a studio recording of a band, and then you see them live and they just don't click. But, TYS totally rules live.:hotjump: They are super tight, loaded with energy and punch, and have fantastic stage presence. Virtuosity abounds all over. I am completely convinced that they would make a great genre stretching choice for PP. Here are a few pics:
It was good to meet you at Progday, Lane. It is always nice to put faces to names.

TYS was definitely the class of the festval, tho Marava, Herd of Instinct, and simakDialog were also pretty good. They were also my 7 year olds favorite, because they were energetic.

So, how long before the call of Thank You Scientist at Progpower? :D
Longshot, it was a pleasure meeting you. Concerning TYS at ProgPower, I will be wearing my Thank You Scientist T-shirt tonight to do a little advertising. See you there.