Thank you

I didnt wrote you or Radiohead were mainstream Andy_2003,... and ermm... moody, are you sure there uberhaupt are any good mainstream songs??? Radiohead and co are only "halfmainstream" you see :) Britney Skipchick is mainstream, and by example, Darkthrone is the opposite of that...
Originally posted by Nina
moody, are you sure there uberhaupt are any good mainstream songs??? Radiohead and co are only "halfmainstream" you see :) Britney Skipchick is mainstream, and by example, Darkthrone is the opposite of that...

i reckon 'wherever, whatever' or what's the title of that song from shakira is a good song, 'if you had my love' from jennifer lopez is a good song, 'wannabe' from the spice girls is good too, 'can't get you out of my head' is ace. there're loads of good mainstream songs out there, but the thing is that i'm afraid you expect the same thing from mainstream than from metal :confused:
Mehdi, you get me thinking with the last discussion we had...
Anyway, I still believe Bitchneys and others are not worth to get the attention they have now.

But if radio plays Katatonia and Anathema and stuff, they would become popular as well. People are brainwashed by the radio.
As long you listen to what you like... even if that is that crap, it's like Sol told about his little sister that listens to J-LO, it would be wrong to deny her from listening to it.

And on topic! Thank you Jamie. and the other lads as well :) Great shows! Now it's waiting for the next album eh? Will be good. Of course!
I'm with Mehdi on this one. A band must get what they deserve. Anthema have worked their asses off writing fantastic songs and therefore they should be making tons of money but they don't. Still they work hard to produce excellent music. Don't you think they deserve attention from more people? Call it mainstream I don't care.... They deseve fuckin' attention goddammit!!! Anathema on MTV now!!!

Yes, I don't find it very nice to watch anathema between lets say Shakira and Britney but how will those kids that watch crap every day learn about decent bands? Ultimate promotion (MTV, trendy radio) is needed.

And like Mehdi said, I'd rather listen to a good trendy song than a shitty "underground" one.... stupid fuckin' terminology...
I disagree with every fucking point you have there!
Except for that they indeed deserve to make much more money, cos they write world's best music.
Think before you say such things though, Metallica for example got tons of money, look what happened to them!!! I DON'T wanna see "my" Anathema between the (imo) brainless trendy music