Originally posted by Mariner
But if radio plays Katatonia and Anathema and stuff, they would become popular as well. People are brainwashed by the radio.
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Except for that they indeed deserve to make much more money, cos they write world's best music.
Originally posted by Nina
I didnt wrote you or Radiohead were mainstream Andy_2003,... and ermm... moody, are you sure there uberhaupt are any good mainstream songs??? Radiohead and co are only "halfmainstream" you seeBritney Skipchick is mainstream, and by example, Darkthrone is the opposite of that...
i dunno know how it is in France, but here in Flandres there are 2 radiostations who're attracting more then the half of the audience. What I want to say (here we go again) they started playing Within Temptation loads of times and they're one of the biggest bands now.Originally posted by moody
not really. there are loads of songs broadcasted on radio, and only some of them are hits. not all pop songs have success.
Originally posted by Strangelight
What do you think Anathema are then? They are certainly not underground.
Originally posted by Mariner
What I want to say (here we go again) they started playing Within Temptation loads of times and they're one of the biggest bands now.
Originally posted by Mariner
indeed, WT was played on radio, and the other 100 not
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
I'm getting fucking sick of talking about this crap!!!I wanna stay friends with everyone so my discussion ends here!
There seem to be too little people who actually understand my point anyway.
everything played on radio is popular...Originally posted by moody
i mean, you had 100 other bands played on radio who weren't as succesful as big tits temptation.
REALLY? it seems people are stupid then over here...Originally posted by moody
seriously speaking, think a bit about it. if every single song played on radio was popular, it'd be too easy. there're loads of songs played there which aren't succesful. here in france you got loads of singer who release just one song who none gives a flying fuck about even though it's broadcasted on radio, then they disappear.