Thanks For Everything

  • Thread starter King Purple Rainbow
  • Start date

King Purple Rainbow

It appears I have worn my welcome, so I shall depart. Thank you for the laughs and friendship. You Anthrax guys rock!

See ya.
The guys in the white coats and large nets must have caught up to this one.

I guess he meant well but all the self-indulging references got old really quick. It didn't help he was living on the planet Cracksmoker.

Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
NFF, you're a shrink...aren't you ethically responsible for helping crazy people when they show themselves??? Or did you simply recognize the hopelessness of it all??? :lol:

I can only treat people that want to be helped, or are at risk for hurting themselves or others physically. Somehow, I don't think KPR wants my help... :lol: