Thanks for the greatest thing to happen to NZ since the invention of the toaster!

Kallocain said:
The band is Popol Vuh. They usually play songs from their "Nosferatu" album. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the song was Der Ruf der Rohrflöte. Either that or Zwiespräche der Rohrflöte mit der Sängerin. Both songs sound sort of similar.

Cheers thanks :)

OK...I've finally received the CD. It has about 50mb worth of photos. They were all taken from the Mezzanine, so they're clear views.

Hopefully by tonight (NZ time) I'll have them all uploaded, and I'll just create links for them. I'm stuck on 56k, so you may be looking at tomorrow. :lol:

EDIT: Done. These are the shots my mate (the guy in the glasses in the previous photos) took. Some of them are quite similar to others, but I tried to select the best quality ones out of the bunch I have.


I've also got about 30mb worth of vids (which I may shrink eventually), but they're only 10 seconds long, some of them have heads in the way, and they're massive size.
Well my night didnt go so well.

Got to the show at a good time feeling pretty good. Managed to get to the second railing just behind the mosh pit. Subtract came on and i just started feeling really really bad. Turns out it was this really intense stomach bug coming on. So just as subtract (who i thought were terrible) finished i really needed to spew. Went to the toilets and did so very violently then returned to my original spot before Opeth started. I was feeling quite alot better, then during Baying of the Hounds i decided i had to leave. Went out to the foyer and sat down at a table. Missed heaps of songs, then i heard Leper and came in and tryed to watch but couldnt stay standing up, so went and sat down again. Then Deliverance comes on and i try again, but then i have to go spew again (those St James toilets are pretty gross :puke: ) I came back and layed against the very back rail for the end of Deliverance and Demon.
Then went home and proceeded to spew all night and the whole of the next day.

Can't believe that happened but what i saw of the show i thought was amazing.
Hopefully they will be back next year and play wellington also. :headbang:
Pethical said:
God i think Mikael only brought two tshirts with him to Australia and NZ, the celtic frost one and the darkthrone one!

Yep, remember what he said about stinking? :loco: I have to admit though, I saw the Celtic Frost shirt as an maybe reliving Melb #2 perhaps? :lol:
FuneralPortrait said:
Amazing night... my girlfriend got a grand total of 175 pictures, i'll upload some soon.

(that's me :D ) alot of the photos aren't that brilliant, but there are a few awesome ones..

a fucking amazing night...the guys were so nice! they're awesome...and the show was brilliant...the sound did let it down a bit though...oh well...and yeah, keith, that must've been so shit man!
Keith! said:
Subtract came on and i just started feeling really really bad. Turns out it was this really intense stomach bug coming on. So just as subtract (who i thought were terrible) finished i really needed to spew.

Man I didn't think Subtract were great either, but I wouldn't have spewed over them! :p
Anyways, that sucks man (of course). Still, it's good you got to see them. :headbang:
FuneralPortrait said:
Yeah, how did you know? Sorry to hear about your night... that would suck.

I recognised you in the photos, ive seen you wearing Opeth shirts to classes. I'm the guy in Diploma Audio who wears Opeth, Symphony X, Decapitated etc shirts.
I'll say hi next time i see you.

Yeah im just glad i got to see Opeth. :headbang:
fränzi said:
Cheers thanks :)

OK...I've finally received the CD. It has about 50mb worth of photos. They were all taken from the Mezzanine, so they're clear views.

Hopefully by tonight (NZ time) I'll have them all uploaded, and I'll just create links for them. I'm stuck on 56k, so you may be looking at tomorrow. :lol:

EDIT: Done. These are the shots my mate (the guy in the glasses in the previous photos) took. Some of them are quite similar to others, but I tried to select the best quality ones out of the bunch I have.


I've also got about 30mb worth of vids (which I may shrink eventually), but they're only 10 seconds long, some of them have heads in the way, and they're massive size.

Some cool pics there man
I saw Martin and Martin today!!!!!! Fuck yeah, thats three seperate times I've met members of the band in the last couple of days. They were with a chick and some guy wearing a shirt with what looked like 'police' or something on the back... Martin Mendez recognized me... I didn't have any thing to get signed and my phone is broken so I couldn't get a photo, but it was in Aotea Square.
Yeah, I met them this morning as well, just past the intersection down from Real Groovy. I'd just bought My Arms Your Hearse, so I had something for them to sign as well. I got a bit tongue-tied meeting them for the first time, but it was cool. :headbang:
NZ may have invented the toaster... but it wasn't the electric toaster or popup toasters like we have today :zombie:
the_3_toed_sloth said:
Uhhh, thats not true. The under-agers could go anywhere - i was right next to a couple of them, and i was at the rail just above the mosh.

Dude, you were probably next to me at the railing. I'm short and small so I look about 12.

The concert was awesome, but next time I know to wear heels so I can see better.
i cant believe i missed them today...i was working by aotea square, right near where they manager wouldn't let me have even 5 minutes off though... :mad:
Midaea said:
Dude, you were probably next to me at the railing. I'm short and small so I look about 12.

The concert was awesome, but next time I know to wear heels so I can see better.

Were you a girl on the right (if facing the stage) of the venue? Getting annoyed at that drunk bitch trying to shove through etc?

I was the guy wearing the opeth shirt. :cool:

ps. the underagers i was actually referring to were a couple of friends who came up from christchurch