Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
I just feel the need to say thanks.
Thanks to all of you visiting this forum and posting here. Every day I am looking forward to reading your remarks, you make me laugh, you share your lives here, we create understanding between nations, religions and races.How wonderful we have formed this utopian world together.
But also I feel and hope, that some of this positivity we take with us to the outside world.
A small ray of light.

Ode to the forum

Through cyberspace I dwell,
Traveling this world through your words,
Never reaching the end of my journey,
Because your words still flow.

My Orphaned brothers and sisters :worship: thank you

Nathalie thanks to you with all my heart :worship:
you're a special girl .......much respect for you !!!!:worship:
Thanks a lot:worship: :wave:
Morticia NL. said:
I just feel the need to say thanks.
Thanks to all of you visiting this forum and posting here. Every day I am looking forward to reading your remarks, you make me laugh, you share your lives here, we create understanding between nations, religions and races.How wonderful we have formed this utopian world together.
But also I feel and hope, that some of this positivity we take with us to the outside world.

thank you Nathalie too !!!

The Orphaned family is my second family, lots of people there supported me and my brother during a time of pain !
Thank you Nathalie to make reconsidering me my point of view about love !

THank you all for being there everyday, we come from all around the world but we're all united by the same passion, the passion of love and peace !

The world can change by the force of souls, the world is composed of billions of people but I think that a community like the OL family gives happiness and hope for this world

You know, I'm trying to creat a peaceful world, with people from everywhere, with lots of different culture! Your post Nathalie gives me the hope to follow this way ( specially with the Urigreen Idea which is growing )

A last think, I thank Orphaned Land which have created a concept like that, you gave me the hope to survive everyday! That is with a particular emotion, that I am writting this message !

THank you All , thank you Nathalie, my Orphaned Sister, Thank You OL
how beautiful Nathalie!!! I won't be able to say that better as you did! And one thing more - this forum would be not the same without you because you're very special for all of us.

Love ya --> Geri :saint:
Morticia NL. said:
Station, Lanthwick- ha, even I learned to open up. :) Surely you can, but only if you like to. It is not obligatory.

There is nothing weird of shameful in saying thanks to friends or to others for making you feel welcome and happy.:Spin:

:) as i said am very glad for having you as my friends,
the thing is am shy, well most of the time am so silent ,with a placid face ..and expressing my thoughts or feelings is a sticky prob i have :erk:
It's not this forum which is great,
It's you.
I mean you, and each of you who keep consulting, participating and sharing feelings, experiences and opinions calmly, with respect and an opened-mind.
(Passion and respect - like fire to water ? Is it the light & darkness you're searching KoB ? The tango between God & Satan ? )
In my personnal experience, I may not be able to connect everyday on the forum, but every time I do, I have a feeling of familiarity, like coming in touch with remote friends and kin.
This is a community, and it is because we share values with Ol, we live to their words & music, that we are all tuned together.
(Yep KoB, it's a though job... :cool: )
Nat, the greatest addition to this community is the disciples, which is truly a gate for newcomers and OL enthusiasts, that will help us discover them and make them at ease among us.
But I've told this before.
No I want to look ahead : who's joining when ? I'm hoping we will manage to meet at some gig very soon.
Like a disciples-happening, an official rendez-vous.
Whaddyasay ?
Thank you all- see the family meet whenever they can.
Regarding your question about a possible Orphaned Disciples meeting- I had planned on doing something like this on the coming European tour, I was prepeared to travel to Austria, Germany and France to meet with the fans that joined, but you know that part of the tour was cancelled. Now it seems that only Germany and the PP in England will be left, but in Germany and England we don't have any members yet. I hope that both in the Streetteam and the OD some Germans will participate since this is an important scene for metalmusic.

If anyone of you reading this knows any influentual people in the German scene who would like to help out to spread the message of Orphaned Land, please let them contact me.

The Israeli OD members- some of them I am hoping to meet when I'm in Israel later on this year. I'll keep you posted, but mostly in the OD forum/site.