That DOOM movie is going to suck SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
Did you guys see the trailers??? They're actually putting us in a first person perspective, like if we were the actor, or like if we were playing the game, and almost everything is computer generated and looks false. This movie will blow as much as House of the Dead (which is really hard to top). Man, who was fucking dumb enough to think this concept would work?
have a hundred million bucks in your pocket and find somebody with a shitty idea based off an existing concept and market the crap out of it to a large audience.
are there really so many Doom fans "hardcore" (read: moronic) enough to blow $10 on this to make it profitable? the games are damn awesome and all, but... LAME
Demilich said:
are there really so many Doom fans "hardcore" (read: moronic) enough to blow $10 on this to make it profitable? the games are damn awesome and all, but... LAME

I found doom 3 sooooo boring. Enter room A, kill scary monster that jumps out of shadows, procede to 'empty' room B, hit button. Watch spooky light show. Kill monsters that spawn and jump out of shadows. Go back through room A and down elevator. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.Repeat. Repeat.