hahaha petty people suck.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
whelp, our drummer quit for the third time and we finally called his bluff and said "fine dude. go." my guitarist wrote him a very understanding email that explained our position of him being erratic as far as being in the band or not, and it was best if we parted company in order to remain friends. i've known the guy for like 9 years and at one point we were very close, so i certainly want to remain on good terms with him. same with my guitarist.

so several hours and emails later, mine and my vocalist's musical abilities are insulted, and our ex-drummer goes to our guitarist's house to take all his shit back, in a rage of course. note: he's been using all my drum hardware this entire time and tried to gank pieces of that claiming they were his (no), took all the sticks (half were mine), and apparently got all confrontational in the process. oh well, at least he didn't owe anyone in the band some cash.

"dude, that mallet is Adrian's."
"tell him he can come fucking get it from me!"


oh yeah, i don't think all drummers are like this. this is because he's a pothead. :loco:
it's a waahmbulance, get it? :dopey:

yeah the other times he's quit, he just shows up for the next practice and act like nothing went wrong. so we say "okay, that's just Mark being insane per usual" and don't bother saying anything. so this time we did, and he of course goes ballistic. hence me calling the waaaaaaaaaahmbulance on him.
i know exactly what his problem is. he's an agoraphobic 26 year old pothead who lives with his parents, has no job, and hasn't had a girlfriend in 6 years. we've all tried helping him but he's extremely stubborn and completely defeatist.
once I was NAD said:
i know exactly what his problem is. he's an agoraphobic 26 year old pothead who lives with his parents, has no job, and hasn't had a girlfriend in 6 years. we've all tried helping him but he's extremely stubborn and completely defeatist.
ugh...[contemplates future self, measures distaste for drummer's current situation, contemplates similarities between future self and distate....reaches for gun]
take the reverse approach: *you* quit the band, stop playing music all together and become a lumberjack. and a race car driver on the weekends