hahaha petty people suck.

Why can't this thread be about

"Pretty people who suck"

that is a dude ...

and your drummer ... is he at least good? wtf are you guys putting up with this shit for?
lurch70 said:
and your drummer ... is he at least good?
he's good. his memory sucks though and when he's really high, his tempo is like a warped record uuuuuuggggggghhhhh...
lurch said:
wtf are you guys putting up with this shit for?
we're not! he's done. :)
dill said:
Dude, it's not because he's a pothead. It's because he's a dickhead.
i know, i was just goofing around. :loco:
our original drummer was named Zak and whenever we talk about drum machines we call it a Zak-in-the-box. :dopey:

me and el guitaristo use drum machines for song writing bullshitz, but even the good ones are too sterile for live environments. especially since we like to jam. for the time being we're going to do acoustic shows at coffee houses, bringing a single bongo to anyone in the audience who wants to jam along and get some artsy college poontang in the process.

also this is pretty much the most amazing bulletin i've ever received on myshitz:


yeah my guitarist was pretty drunk tonight. :loco: