"That SPITTING Thing"

you mean the word hobo or the idea of a hobo? if you mean the word, it's everywhere, not only in your puny country of red shoe wearers, ha!
i don't talk to gavin at all, in fact i try to avoid it, cause every time i reply to him or something i picture his smelly sticky locks all covered in dust and dirt, and you know, ugh :P
EagleFlyFree said:
you mean the word hobo or the idea of a hobo? if you mean the word, it's everywhere, not only in your puny country of red shoe wearers, ha!
i don't talk to gavin at all, in fact i try to avoid it, cause every time i reply to him or something i picture his smelly sticky locks all covered in dust and dirt, and you know, ugh :P

Hey :cry: that hurts.

:yell: :yell: :yell:
Thats all that can be found from him spitting? He seems to do it a lot, im surprised a better pics cant be found. Damn, a pic of him spitting would be perfect for a background.