That "The Blackening" drum sound

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK
So i've been wondering for ages and ages how I could get something similar to the drum sound from The Blackening, but i've got no idea... it might be something simple that I just haven't picked up on 'cause i'm a complete noob, but if anyone could help, especially with the snare sound, I will love you forever.
"The Blackening" like in "Machine Head - The Blackening"?
There are (Rock band) multitrack stems out there from "Aestetics of Hate". They carry Bass / Snare and OH tracks. Those should be very helpful to study the drum sound.

They're one of my favourite drum sounds.
(little bit distorted there, but that's youtube's fault)
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Ah I love productions where the snare actually sounds like... a snare. Why is that becoming so rare now? Stupid.
Just choose tight and natural sounding samples, with lots of room in the mix!
Ah I love productions where the snare actually sounds like... a snare. Why is that becoming so rare now? Stupid.
Just choose tight and natural sounding samples, with lots of room in the mix!

I doubt if that snare was sampled. Maybe mixed in with the original track but sounds natural to me.
anyone got any free samples like that, that i could possibly grab? I don't have money to buy any, especialy not the ss samples, and most of the links on the drum samples meta are dead :(
Ah I love productions where the snare actually sounds like... a snare. Why is that becoming so rare now? Stupid.
Just choose tight and natural sounding samples, with lots of room in the mix!

The problem is that modern mixes eat up the snare sound, imho, not the sample chosen...
I read ages ago an interview with robb flynn about this album ... they said, that they had 21 tracks of the snare in the mix...
I doubt if that snare was sampled. Maybe mixed in with the original track but sounds natural to me.

The problem is that modern mixes eat up the snare sound, imho, not the sample chosen...

No I think you both missed my point (my fault, I didn't word it very well on reflection). I'm saying I LOVE this production, because it's so natural, and was merely commenting that more need to sound this way these days! :)
Colin just gets bad ass drums sounds. Even Burn My Eyes had amazing sounding drums, and that was all done to tape in 1994.

I know on his recent mixes he's known for blending at least 5+ snare samples all together. He has some custom ones plus that centre rim D4 is usually in there a bit. At least I know that's what he did on AILD. Just assuming that's how he mixes the rest of his stuff.....
Sorry for my ignorance but centre rim is the correct name of the sample, or you just mean piccolo snare by saying centre rim?
I'm guessing he just means the piccolo. I used it to blend with another snare on a recent client's work and it is indeed quite similar to this sort of sound.

Yes it's similar;)
I asked because I can find any centre rim snare on my D4...