The 2015 Christmas Shopping Thread


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors
I know we usually do a haul thread, but let's talk about the other side of Christmas.

My main hobby is board gaming, and I think that tabletopping helps provide that face to face interaction that has been on the decline since the internet went mainstream. Since people give kind of standard gifts in my family, I'm trying to give the gift of games for the most part. I've gotten everyone on my shopping list mostly "lite" board or card games that A. Match their interests and B. you wouldn't find in a typical store, except for my stepdad and parents-in-law, as they just simply do not/would not game. We got my step dad a gift card for tools etc, my FIL a John Wayne coffee mug, and my MIL some jewelry. Also got my brothers a 40k minis&paint starter kit I caught on tremendous discount. Going to see how they like it.
We have the kids and her parents covered. We arent getting each other anything and my parents said to get them nothing.
I need to find something for her.
Her parents are giving me money this year. Cant fucking wait to upgrade my bike! It's in shambles right now and needs it badly.
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I'm nearly 39 years old and my parents still insist on buying me heaps of stuff( 2 ps4 games, $300 worth of coffee table books, Nachtfalke 'First Battles which was $80 off discogs and the Tarot 'Warrior's Spell dlp). All they want was $100 each and my nan just wanted $100 worth of tea towels, can you fucking believe that?
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My family has stopped doing Christmas as big as we used to. If I wasn't here I doubt they'd even get a tree honestly.
I'm buying probably too much this year for other people. I have heaps of stuff in my room I'm giving away. Only person I haven't bought anything for yet is my mom. I have no idea. No idea at all. What do you buy a retired cancer survivor who has the money to buy anything she needs? She doesn't really have hobbies. Help!
- department store gift cards for family
- alcoholic chocolates for coworkers
. I have no idea. No idea at all. What do you buy a retired cancer survivor who has the money to buy anything she needs? She doesn't really have hobbies. Help!

I've had good luck with customizable jewelry, like a bracelet from Jared or something. They're not expensive and at least gives the impression that you were trying to be thoughtful
i'm still young and poor enough where nobody expects me to buy them gifts

finally bought myself a new az cardinals jersey though. my last one hasn't fit me in 5 years or so
I'm buying probably too much this year for other people. I have heaps of stuff in my room I'm giving away. Only person I haven't bought anything for yet is my mom. I have no idea. No idea at all. What do you buy a retired cancer survivor who has the money to buy anything she needs? She doesn't really have hobbies. Help!

Just ask her what she wants or needs. Ruins any surprise, but if you have no idea at all, you might as well.
Bought my wife a bunch of clothes on Black Friday for Christmas and I've been fucked up since. Work slowing down for the winter is hurting my bank account.

Bought my dad a box of batman comics... My sister a copy of The Illustrated A Brief History of Time. Still have to buy for my mom, grandma, and my redneck cousin because of some stupid holiday pool my family wants to do and I despise.