The Gift Giving thread!

So, I've got two brothers, my sister, both my parents, my older brothers girlfriend and my Grandma to buy gifts for. I have no idea what to get anyone, except for my Dad, who will be recieving a novelty tie. That may sound like a crappy gift but he loves novelty ties and specifically requested them. He works in DC, where apparently not many people where ties with ice cream of toilets on them, so I guess he likes standing out.

phear my 1337 paint skillz!

(I honestly have absolutely no idea how the big white oval got there. I suck, but I just had to make it.)
So what's the deal with the Secret Santa thing?? I would love to burn one poor soul a crazy mixed CD or maybe even a mixed DVD of some of my technical guitar mastery shit :p I'm just a lazy n00b though, so someone with talent will have to set the thing up.
Fuck christmass and fuck trees. If I had money would spend it on my self purely. If I was not fired was actually going to buy a girl something, but than realize she's a bitch and it would be a waste of money. I'm buying myself beer for christmass(with someone elses money)

fuck jesus
WOOHoo, Yehaaa

It's just a phase you're going through. This sucks and that can fuck off and he can die and she can blow me, blah blah blah.
BLAH.You forgot a lot of fuckables by the way.
Kind of reminds of that Wires&Waves guy: fuck trends, fuck society and all metalheads and all cultures. I don't give a shit about that fuck. Hail indie rock and lowercase typing without apostrophes. Another rebel-shmebel.
Where is he and his Lyle companion, I wonder.
Oh jesus titty-fucking christ Lady V :lol::lol::lol:

The creepiest part about it is that I still see the asian beneath the mask :tickled:
What is a good gift to buy my sister? She's a woman and pregnant, this is the only information I can give :erk:
Gifts purchase so far:

Dad - Arch Enemy's new album Wrath of the Tyrant.
Girlfriend - Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra and a sterling silver bracelet.

Not sure what I'm going to get for the rest of my family and friends. Between my tight-fisted tendencies and my indecisiveness, Christmas shopping is difficult for me.