The Abortion (that is this) Thread

So why are you making him responsible for her uterus then?

Look at it this way. If I somehow cause a weed infestation in my neighbor's lawn, I should be held responsible for cleaning up the mess. If my neighbor tells me he likes the weeds, that's his deal. I'm not allowed to go onto his property and kill the weeds anyways. But if the weeds become even worse of a problem and kill his lawn entirely, it's not my fault he didn't take my offer. I'm not responsible for the decision he made over his lawn. His lawn is his responsibility.
^great analogy. but save your breath, he is a brainwashed far-left liberal feminist.

he is pro-woman, anti-male, pro-illegal-immigration, pro-anchor babies, pro-welfare, pro-support for nonstop babymaking of welfare leeches
So why are you making him responsible for her uterus then?

He is not responsible for her uterus or what she does with it. That's why it's her choice to abort or not abort. He is resposible for the life, which he helped create as a result of his free, intentional and knowledgable action. Therefore, he is responsible for helping with the cost of the abortion or the child.

Look at it this way. If I somehow cause a weed infestation in my neighbor's lawn, I should be held responsible for cleaning up the mess. If my neighbor tells me he likes the weeds, that's his deal. I'm not allowed to go onto his property and kill the weeds anyways. But if the weeds become even worse of a problem and kill his lawn entirely, it's not my fault he didn't take my offer. I'm not responsible for the decision he made over his lawn. His lawn is his responsibility.

:lol: You dismissed my relevant analogies regarding decisions and consequences that the agent did not choose, but then you come back with an analogy comparing a fetus to weeds? What a joke.
Hamburger's analogy is spot on. let me spell it out for you.

a fetus has the same value as a weed: nothing. it's alive but worthless.

the lawn is the vagina. the lawn owner can let you play in it, (fuck)

and if you spread weed seeds (conceive)

you should offer to de-weed it (abort)

but if she wants to let weeds grow (give birth) it's her problem.

you'd obligate a man to nurture weeds in someone else's garden? that's silly.
a fetus becomes a human being. Weed seeds never become anything more than weeds. A human life holds more "value" than a bunch of weeds to anyone. And you can argue that a human being holds no value, but by that logic weeds hold a negative amount of value and you're really just trying to be this ultra nihilistic motherucker wearing a fannypack. I said it earlier. Can you justify your existence? I doubt it.
Didn't read the posts but:

Removing a fetus = Abortion.
Wearing a condom = Abortion.
Refusing to fuck = Abortion.

and it gets ridiculous like that.

I'm all for abortion and "killing people". The overpopulation is a problem now and I'm surprised they haven't started castrating people already.
a fetus becomes a human being. Weed seeds never become anything more than weeds. A human life holds more "value" than a bunch of weeds to anyone. And you can argue that a human being holds no value, but by that logic weeds hold a negative amount of value and you're really just trying to be this ultra nihilistic motherucker wearing a fannypack. I said it earlier. Can you justify your existence? I doubt it.

i provide a useful service, get paid for it, make the economy go round, make the lives of workers at restaurants, hotels, airlines, tech stores, groceries, strippers and whores better by buying their stuff, etc. well that was easy

what does a fetus provide? what do a bunch of welfare kids that will grow up to be bums provide? a drain on your and my tax dollars and health insurance payments, crime like murder/rape/theft and an eyesore.

i have positive value to society. they have negative value to society. it's worth keeping me alive. they should have been aborted. but they're alive, so their support should be cut off so they die off.
He is not responsible for her uterus or what she does with it. That's why it's her choice to abort or not abort. He is resposible for the life, which he helped create as a result of his free, intentional and knowledgable action. Therefore, he is responsible for helping with the cost of the abortion or the child.

:lol: You dismissed my relevant analogies regarding decisions and consequences that the agent did not choose, but then you come back with an analogy comparing a fetus to weeds? What a joke.

Her uterus is what turned the fetus into a human being. If the man has no control over the uterus, he should have no obligation to the product of her uterus. Give me an example where person X has responsibility to person Y for something person Y has full control over.

And how is comparing a fetus to a weed a joke? You earlier said that a fetus has no inherent value.
Fuck nitpicking over the definition of life. There is no way religious and non-religious people will agree on a definition, so any attempt at comparing abortion to condoms and "not fucking", or analyzing the consequences of a birth on society, is mere sophistry.

Roe v. Wade is an adequate compromise between the two sides, and compromise is the key word in the whole issue, because the political reality is there's no perfect solution.
i provide a useful service, get paid for it, make the economy go round, make the lives of workers at restaurants, hotels, airlines, tech stores, groceries, strippers and whores better by buying their stuff, etc. well that was easy

what does a fetus provide? what do a bunch of welfare kids that will grow up to be bums provide? a drain on your and my tax dollars and health insurance payments, crime like murder/rape/theft and an eyesore.

i have positive value to society. they have negative value to society. it's worth keeping me alive. they should have been aborted. but they're alive, so their support should be cut off so they die off.

Why would wealth be the measure of someone's worth? First of all, the most wealthy steal, rather than contribute, to society and furthermore, produce the conditions that lead to poverty in the first place. Why are there so many unemployed and impoverished in America? One of the biggest factors is exporting jobs overseas to exploit workers in the developing world. Wealth does not equal social value.

Furthermore, you are painfully stereotypical. Many people use welfare as a tool get back on their feet and then persue a career and/or education.

Lastly, from an evolutionary standpoint, a mother on welfare with 5 children is far, far more useful and fit than a computer scientist with no kids and does not plan to have any. Strictly speaking from an evolutionary standpoint, you are unfit, a waste of resources and and the one who should be killed.
So you're basically saying everyone that's pro-life is religious? :lol:

I know there are non-religious pro-life people, but they're a relatively small group, so the political reality of the abortion debate still primarily concerns the incompatible perspectives of religious and non-religious people.
Her uterus is what turned the fetus into a human being. If the man has no control over the uterus, he should have no obligation to the product of her uterus. Give me an example where person X has responsibility to person Y for something person Y has full control over.

That's easy. You deal drugs to somebody. That buyer takes too much and ODs. In many states, you will be charged with murder.

Fill in "drug dealer" for "person x" and "user" for "person y" and the above sentence would be 100% true.

And how is comparing a fetus to a weed a joke? You earlier said that a fetus has no inherent value.

I stand by that statement. However, when the mother projects the value of a child on onto a fetus, it will now in all likelihood develop into a human with all the core characteristics that we value. However, regardless of whether the woman sees the fetus as her precious baby or a clump of flesh invading her body, the man helped create it and is therefore responsible for it.
Why would wealth be the measure of someone's worth? First of all, the most wealthy steal, rather than contribute, to society and furthermore, produce the conditions that lead to poverty in the first place. Why are there so many unemployed and impoverished in America? One of the biggest factors is exporting jobs overseas to exploit workers in the developing world. Wealth does not equal social value.
billionaires like Trump, Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Apple also create tons of jobs in america. if they disappeared, many americans would also lose their jobs. they move parts of their operations offshore to escape unfair taxes imposed on them by the corrupt government. america needs these corporations to be profitable so our country stays globally competitive. without them, we're fucked. while they have negative aspects, these corporations are a net positive.

and what's wrong with a Chinese worker earning an honest living with the sweat off his back? are you biased against them? i respect a chinese worker assembling iphones all day to feed his family.

Furthermore, you are painfully stereotypical. Many people use welfare as a tool get back on their feet and then persue a career and/or education.
statistically speaking, the vast majority never get out of welfare. most of the money spent on welfare is a complete waste with no return on investment (not really an investment, just throwing money into a bottomless pit)

Lastly, from an evolutionary standpoint, a mother on welfare with 5 children is far, far more useful and fit than a computer scientist with no kids and does not plan to have any. Strictly speaking from an evolutionary standpoint, you are unfit, a waste of resources and and the one who should be killed.

you want the human race to evolve from degenerate, uneducated welfare parasites? that is bad, regressive evolution. by the way, have you noticed that the vast majority of the poor are physically unappealing (they're fucking ugly)? you want this planet to be populated by stupid, ugly people?

the intelligent, well-bred elite should be the ones whose bloodlines are preserved or our species ends up in the shitter. that's evolution 101.
Humanity is already regressing. People are becoming dumber and more sensitive to shit than ever before.

This I really don't understand. People are crying over how other people call them or even little jokes on the internet. I really want to know how and when this happened. Golden 80's and their lack of political correctness.
That's easy. You deal drugs to somebody. That buyer takes too much and ODs. In many states, you will be charged with murder.

Fill in "drug dealer" for "person x" and "user" for "person y" and the above sentence would be 100% true.

And do you agree with that? Do you believe the people that deal Jack Daniels should be charged with murder when people overdose on alcohol?

EDIT: In your link they're talking about homicide, not murder, btw.
billionaires like Trump, Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Apple also create tons of jobs in america. if they disappeared, many americans would also lose their jobs. they move parts of their operations offshore to escape unfair taxes imposed on them by the corrupt government. america needs these corporations to be profitable so our country stays globally competitive. without them, we're fucked. while they have negative aspects, these corporations are a net positive.

Corporations have taken away far more jobs then they've brought over the past few decades. Research the effects of outsourcing on the US economy. Research the number of jobs lost since NAFTA took effect. Then research the profits these companies have made and all the tax breaks they've been given. What exactly are they doing that we would be fucked without, other than helping out themselves?

and what's wrong with a Chinese worker earning an honest living with the sweat off his back? are you biased against them? i respect a chinese worker assembling iphones all day to feed his family.

Cut the bullshit. You have no respect for the people-many of whom are children- who are drained of their life force in oppressive, abusive and inhumane conditions that you couldn't fathom working in for even a single day. You "respect" teenagers that are worked into the ground for 12-23 hour shifts without water or bathroom breaks? They're objects to you and don't pretend like its otherwise.

statistically speaking, the vast majority never get out of welfare. most of the money spent on welfare is a complete waste with no return on investment (not really an investment, just throwing money into a bottomless pit)

Ugh, fucking ignorant rhetoric that an idiot like you would buy into. "Vast majority"? According to the US Department of Health and Human Services 53% of welfare recipients are off welfare within two years. Only 19.6% are on welfare for more than five years. So shut the fuck up with your blind rhetoric, unless you feel like being exposed as a propaganda consuming clown over and over again.

you want the human race to evolve from degenerate, uneducated welfare parasites? that is bad, regressive evolution. by the way, have you noticed that the vast majority of the poor are physically unappealing (they're fucking ugly)? you want this planet to be populated by stupid, ugly people?

the intelligent, well-bred elite should be the ones whose bloodlines are preserved or our species ends up in the shitter. that's evolution 101

More idiocy from you. There's no such thing as "devolution" within biology. Its a psuedoscience term that uneducated idiots use. You clearly don't understand the theory of evolution, so let me explain it to you. One is "evolved" if they are fit for their environment. One is defined as "fit for their environment" if they produce offspring that are capable of reproducing. Someone on welfare who has 5 children is far more fit than a billionaire who has no children.