The Abortion Thread

I have mixed feelings. I do think there's an imbalance when it comes to reproduction for men vs. women and the only thing I can really think of that might work and isn't some insane unreasonable men's rights movement autism is that a potential father should legally be able to sign away all parental responsibility in the same window as a potential mother has the ability to abort.

If he doesn't do it in that time frame and the pregnancy goes beyond the point of being able to abort, he should be made to pay child support etc.

That makes sense. It is a biological fact that women bear most of the reproductive burden, and that's why men are required to pay child support, but at the same time, it is possible to abort so why should the woman's descision to keep the child affect the man if he doesn't have a say in it?

I would say implicit approval of women killing unborn children does not mean one has grown up. It just means they are more degenerate.

There's nothing degenerate about it. It isn't violating the child's conscious will to survive because they don't have one yet. It's degenerate to keep a pregnancy due to a "moral obligation" and not be prepared to raise the child. I think an abortion is a lot better than fucking over 3 lives for 18 years.
Abortion IS degenerate, disgusting and evil but women should be allowed to do it and shamed/insulted in the process. They should be wide awake and made to watch the whole procedure and forced to watch the video and given a copy after.

But yea it should be allowed because better the one time expense of aborting the unwanted spawn than spend my taxes on its welfare payments for years.
Abortion IS degenerate, disgusting and evil but women should be allowed to do it and shamed/insulted in the process.

What is disgusting and evil about being able to decide whether or not to face spending 18 years raising a child? No contraception is 100 percent effective and precum can contain sperm. Raising a child is not a matter to be taken lightly...
Failed contraception, rape, health complications are a small percentage of abortion reasons and ok those don’t need to be shamed.

But the vast majority of abortion reasons are because women are sluts and fucked without contraception while either not ready and/or too poor for motherhood. Aborting -after the fact of knowing- those cases is degenerate, disgusting and evil

Still I would allow it because I hate welfare queens/babies more and to a lesser extent “muh bodily autonomy” shit, but women should not celebrate it and pat each other’s backs, you’re fucking murderous sluts bitches
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Failed contraception, rape, health complications are a small percentage of abortion reasons and ok those don’t need to be shamed.

But the vast majority of abortion reasons are because women are sluts and fucked without contraception while either not ready and/or too poor for motherhood. Aborting -after the fact of knowing- those cases is degenerate, disgusting and evil

Still I would allow it because I hate welfare queens/babies more and to a lesser extent “muh bodily autonomy” shit, but women should not celebrate it and pat each other’s backs, you’re fucking murderous sluts bitches

Yes, shame the irresponisble sluts for being irresponsible and idiotic but not for getting the abortion. The abortion is just a way to keep their stupidity from fucking a child's life up.
I’d shame them for all the above. Mitigating your fuckup with something also fucked up is not admirable
Failed contraception, rape, health complications are a small percentage of abortion reasons and ok those don’t need to be shamed.

But the vast majority of abortion reasons are because women are sluts and fucked without contraception while either not ready and/or too poor for motherhood. Aborting -after the fact of knowing- those cases is degenerate, disgusting and evil

Still I would allow it because I hate welfare queens/babies more and to a lesser extent “muh bodily autonomy” shit, but women should not celebrate it and pat each other’s backs, you’re fucking murderous sluts bitches
you're kinda making my case for mandatory abortion
In a futuristic dystopia, technology will be developed that will scan a mother’s belly and determine the future attractiveness and “aug-fuckability” of an unborn child and segregate them into sex enslavement/train-to-please-aug camps and all the rest will be aborted
In a futuristic dystopia, technology will be developed that will scan a mother’s belly and determine the future attractiveness and “aug-fuckability” of an unborn child and segregate them into sex enslavement/train-to-please-aug camps and all the rest will be aborted

We're overpopulated anyways....
In a futuristic dystopia, technology will be developed that will scan a mother’s belly and determine the future attractiveness and “aug-fuckability” of an unborn child and segregate them into sex enslavement/train-to-please-aug camps and all the rest will be aborted
My argument in the great "does the fetus have rights" debate is staunchly in the camp of yeah sure it does. Let's just say that speck of cells is alive and has rights. Get it the fuck out of SOMEONE ELSE WHO ALSO HAS RIGHTS' BODY, immediately, so it can start exercising them. It's cruel not to, isn't it? To the fetus? I mean to the baby, which is a totally viable living thing?

If more money was thrown at pre-term post-abortion fetal survival procedures, so all the folks who think they're living things could keep them on a shelf as a weird pet or whatever the fuck, I'd be all about it. It could be a new thing, go to the local fetal zoo where everyone who was anti-abortion is forced to volunteer to squirt protein jellies into tiny little tubes where the tiny little "people" are living.

Wait is that a greater violation of the baby's rights or lesser? Is it implying they're animals? Maybe women should be treated like broodmares instead wouldn't wanna hurt the fetus's feelings.
My argument in the great "does the fetus have rights" debate is staunchly in the camp of yeah sure it does. Let's just say that speck of cells is alive and has rights. Get it the fuck out of SOMEONE ELSE WHO ALSO HAS RIGHTS' BODY, immediately, so it can start exercising them. It's cruel not to, isn't it? To the fetus? I mean to the baby, which is a totally viable living thing?

If more money was thrown at pre-term post-abortion fetal survival procedures, so all the folks who think they're living things could keep them on a shelf as a weird pet or whatever the fuck, I'd be all about it. It could be a new thing, go to the local fetal zoo where everyone who was anti-abortion is forced to volunteer to squirt protein jellies into tiny little tubes where the tiny little "people" are living.

Wait is that a greater violation of the baby's rights or lesser? Is it implying they're animals? Maybe women should be treated like broodmares instead wouldn't wanna hurt the fetus's feelings.

Your arguments in favour of abortion are really bad, among some of the worst I've ever read, and you're an intelligent person. It's weird haha.
Your arguments in favour of abortion are really bad, among some of the worst I've ever read, and you're an intelligent person. It's weird haha.

You and I have gone toe to toe on this one before so no point doing it again lol. But I gotta ask, have you ever heard an argument in favor you DIDN'T think was bad? Given your viewpoint, and that this viewpoint hasn't changed, I assume you think they're all bad.
No I've heard plenty of arguments in favour of abortion access I thought were good. For example, unlike moralists who oppose abortion I don't oppose it at all stages. I oppose abortion that overlaps with scientific proof of fetus viability.

The problem with arguments like yours is that it can be applied to grown humans to demonstrate how unethical and illogical they are.

Let the woman decide. That's my view.

To what extent? Let the woman decide whether a fetus lives or dies 8 months in? That's such a generic sentiment.