The Abortion Thread

I'd be interested to see how much his views change after he sees an ultrasound test TBH. Though I think studies show that women are much more impacted by pregnancy in general and often come out the other end of a pregnancy with changed views on the whole subject.

Well, duh I guess, but still. The first time I ever started changing my mind on abortion was when I became a father, so...

Are all you pro-lifers vegan? Just curious.

No. Also, not sure if you can call me pro-life if I support first trimester abortion.
I'd be interested to see how much his views change after he sees an ultrasound
or a vagina :D

a bunch of the abortion factories out here like planned parenthood(on the corner of every ghetto btw which is very telling) dont even provide mammograms. Says a lot tbh.

Are all you pro-lifers vegan? Just curious.
no, but i wish i was.

Also, the life of your unborn child =/= a cow.
"If shown images of a living thing that vaguely resembles the form of a human baby, a person might become emotionally susceptible and more sympathetic to the anti-abortion cause"

Wow you don't say
i think it's safe to say that he will not be breeding anytime soon. He has no clue how this world actually functions outside of his little bubble. Same can be said for most of these mort-minded types. It truly is a disease that has plagued mankind.

Einherjar has a son, meanwhile you vacillate between pretending to having one and not having one.
No. Also, not sure if you can call me pro-life if I support first trimester abortion.
Also @TechnicalBarbarity. I have a weird view on the subject. I'm a meat eater, I eat lots of meat. Yet, I feel a living cow or calf has more of a right to live than an unborn embryo. I wish the world went vegan, forcing everyone to act rationally. Spare everyone. Until then, murder everything.
outside of you, i have never pretended to have any other son. Its not my fault that your such an autistocrat that you fail at reading examples for what they are.

So why are you laughing at a guy claiming he'll never breed, when you're a 35 year old man whose hobbies in life seem to revolve around shitposting, playing video games, and collecting plastic discs?
Also @TechnicalBarbarity. I feel a living cow or calf has more of a right to live than an unborn embryo. I wish the world went vegan, forcing everyone to act rationally. Spare everyone. Until then, murder everything.
More of a right to live than an unborn child? i completely disagree with that . But yes, cows have a right to live, sucks that we "have" to eat them. It really does.
Also @TechnicalBarbarity. I have a weird view on the subject. I'm a meat eater, I eat lots of meat. Yet, I feel a living cow or calf has more of a right to live than an unborn embryo. I wish the world went vegan, forcing everyone to act rationally. Spare everyone. Until then, murder everything.

Yeah that is weird. Especially since the phrase "unborn embryo" implies something very grey, since 90% of the embryonic period happens in the first trimester, the period in which I support abortion, and I also don't think an embryo can be technically unborn, because "unborn" implies viability and an embryo in 90% of its embryonic stage could not survive outside of the womb.

Einherjar has a son

He does? My bad then. :erk:

"If shown images of a living thing that vaguely resembles the form of a human baby, a person might become emotionally susceptible and more sympathetic to the anti-abortion cause"

Wow you don't say

You can also hear the heart beat, but yeah thanks for confirming my views. Not wanting to kill a fetus is an instinctive position and only through ideological means do we arrive at a position other than that instinct. Having an ultrasound is a good way to cut through the bullshit so you can truly decide what you want to do with the fetus.
yes we do ... we are not herbivores, sadly. Most vegans i know have eventual got sick and had to go back to eating meat, because guess what ... eating strictly grass is not natural for human beings. Dont get me wrong dude, i tried ... but i felt and started looking like hamburgerboy, in other words complete shit.
I imagine the same thing would happen to me. I really would like to but that's just words. Also, got my jeep today! Once I get her on the beach I'll post some picks in the car thread.
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Yeah that is weird. Especially since the phrase "unborn embryo" implies something very grey, since 90% of the embryonic period happens in the first trimester, the period in which I support abortion, and I also don't think an embryo can be technically unborn, because "unborn" implies viability and an embryo in 90% of its embryonic stage could not survive outside of the womb.

He does? My bad then. :erk:

You can also hear the heart beat, but yeah thanks for confirming my views. Not wanting to kill a fetus is an instinctive position and only through ideological means do we arrive at a position other than that instinct. Having an ultrasound is a good way to cut through the bullshit so you can truly decide what you want to do with the fetus.

You don't remember Einherjar's butthurt over your circumcision argument with him?

It's not an instinctive position. Abortions were common and not all that frowned-upon through most of history, even though people surely knew that there was some form of baby-like creature in a pregnant woman's belly. The presence of a heart beat is something used as a deliberate, emotional ploy by evangelicals, and a totally arbitrary metric by which to judge a fetus' degree of humanity.
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You don't remember Einherjar's butthurt over your circumcision argument with him?

My memory is devolved like my people.

It's not an instinctive position. Abortions were common and not all that frowned-upon through most of history, even though people surely knew that there was some form of baby-like creature in a pregnant woman's belly. The presence of a heart beat is something used as a deliberate, emotional ploy by evangelicals, and a totally arbitrary metric by which to judge a fetus' degree of humanity.

If you say so.
So why are you laughing at a guy claiming he'll never breed, when you're a 35 year old man whose hobbies in life seem to revolve around shitposting, playing video games, and collecting plastic discs?
yeah and i totally meant that he's never seen a vagina either. :lol: Aidens sperg meter has been activated.

btw i bet you play more video games than i do, not that there's anything wrong with that. I barely squeeze in a few hours a week, if that. Wish i had more time for that stuff. And why are you so butthurt that i actually have thousands of albums in physical format? Would that have anything to do with you stealing/downloading or listening to most of your music on youtube and me constantly making fun of you for it? Begone you peasant.

btw remember when you were talking about diddling my kid? you sick fuck