The Abortion Thread

yeah and i totally meant that he's never seen a vagina either. :lol: Aidens sperg meter has been activated.

btw i bet you play more video games than i do, not that there's anything wrong with that. I barely squeeze in a few hours a week, if that. Wish i had more time for that stuff. And why are you so butthurt that i actually have thousands of albums in physical format? Would that have anything to do with you stealing/downloading or listening to most of your music on youtube and me constantly making fun of you for it? Begone you peasant.

So what did you figuratively mean by saying he'll never breed?

I play less than a few hours a week and collect plastic discs as well, but I don't care about your hobbies at all, you do you. I still don't see you as a candidate for breeding though, except perhaps being bred by a proud black Turkish bull.
@HamburgerBoy what would you know about me having kids or not? The last place i would talk about that stuff is on a fucking metal forum. I remember once you came to your own conclusions and started talking about how my son was getting diddled by his teacher named Aiden or what not. Lmao, all you did is out yourself there. What i do know for sure is that if there's anyone on this forum that is really a candidate for being future(or maybe even current) pedophile, its definitely you.
If you say so.

Many of the methods employed in early cultures were non-surgical. Physical activities like strenuous labor, climbing, paddling, weightlifting, or diving were a common technique. Others included the use of irritant leaves, fasting, bloodletting, pouring hot water onto the abdomen, and lying on a heated coconut shell.[5] In virtually all cultures, abortion techniques developed through observation, adaptation of obstetrical methods, and transculturation.[6] Physical means of inducing abortion, including battery, exercise, and tightening the girdle were still often used as late as the Early Modern Period among English women.[7]

Archaeological discoveries indicate early surgical attempts at the extraction of a fetus; however, such methods are not believed to have been common, given the infrequency with which they are mentioned in ancient medical texts.[8]

An 8th-century Sanskrit text instructs women wishing to induce an abortion to sit over a pot of steam or stewed onions.[9] The technique of massage abortion, involving the application of pressure to the pregnant abdomen, has been practiced in Southeast Asia for centuries. One of the bas reliefs decorating the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, dated c. 1150, depicts a demon performing such an abortion upon a woman who has been sent to the underworld.[4]

Japanese documents show records of induced abortion from as early as the 12th century. It became much more prevalent during the Edo period, especially among the peasant class, who were hit hardest by the recurrent famines and high taxation of the age.[10] Statues of the Boddhisattva Jizo, erected in memory of an abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, or young childhood death, began appearing at least as early as 1710 at a temple in Yokohama (see religion and abortion).[11]
M'kay, I mean, I guess many things could be called instinctual - like enslaving people. This is probably an example of my limited vocabulary. What I mean to say is instinctual is the idea that what's inside a womb is a human life rather than a parasite, or something akin to an insect or some other non-human meme you can think of and this meme is dissolved most of the time when the parent uses scientific methods to listen to or monitor what's inside of their body.

As I've said, as the science progresses in this area, views will change. Mine did in big leaps due to this, where previously I thought it was just a debate between people who believe in souls vs people who don't.
@HamburgerBoy what would you know about me having kids or not? The last place i would talk about that stuff is on a fucking metal forum. I remember once you came to your own conclusions and started talking about how my son was getting diddled by his teacher named Aiden or what not. Lmao, all you did is out yourself there. What i do know for sure is that if there's anyone on this forum that is really a candidate for being future(or maybe even current) pedophile, its definitely you.


Do whatever the fuck you want, but just don't peddle and force that disgusting lifestyle down my children's throats.

What makes you think i dont have children?

Also, not wanting your son to be gay is homophobic? Really? :lol: oh wow ... you have no room to talk about anyone having children after such a moronic statement.


I dont want to see two guys kissing and groping each other in front of my kids ... having fag parades in whips and chains and shoving their fucking sexuality down our throats.

1) I actually don't have kids and have never mentioned it here. I was just speaking hypothetically.

You pretended to have kids, acted like you had special insight on child raising, and then buckled and plainly admitted you don't. So regarding "what would you know about me having kids or not?", I would know the answer is "not" based on your post history here. You're just a dumbfuck that swallows evangelical loads obediently, so when you hear Preacher X or Right-wing Radio Dude Y talking about "my kids" you just regurgitate it.
M'kay, I mean, I guess many things could be called instinctual - like enslaving people. This is probably an example of my limited vocabulary. What I mean to say is instinctual is the idea that what's inside a womb is a human life rather than a parasite, or something akin to an insect or some other non-human meme you can think of and this meme is dissolved most of the time when the parent uses scientific methods to listen to or monitor what's inside of their body.

As I've said, as the science progresses in this area, views will change. Mine did in big leaps due to this, where previously I thought it was just a debate between people who believe in souls vs people who don't.

Sure, my initial argument was predicated on ancient peoples being aware that a pregnant womb contained human life, but a kind human life that can be readily disposed of without social/ethical dilemma.
Their conceptualization of "human life" is not like ours. They probably believed a fox spirit crept into their woman's womb and was waiting to be released on a night when the moon is full or some shit.

You pretended to have kids, acted like you had special insight on child raising, and then buckled and plainly admitted you don't. So regarding "what would you know about me having kids or not?", I would know the answer is "not" based on your post history here. You're just a dumbfuck that swallows evangelical loads obediently, so when you hear Preacher X or Right-wing Radio Dude Y talking about "my kids" you just regurgitate it.

You forgot the quote where i said i would take a bullet to the head if my son was gay(the funniest part was that you actually thought i would shoot myself in the head, remember? :lol:) And yeah, your'e definitely an idiot. And i find it entertaining that you sill cant deal with he fact that you dont know if i have kids or not, you never will ... because i wouldn't want a pedo like you to be anywhere around them or stalking them on the internet or what not. The fact that you still cant fathom what im pointing out again is an indication of your aspie syndrome and how the real world has evaded you since you flew out of your mothers rancid cunt. And unlike most of you plebs, i dont listen to the radio and rarely watch TV. Now shoo Joffrey, begone.
Their conceptualization of "human life" is not like ours. They probably believed a fox spirit crept into their woman's womb and was waiting to be released on a night when the moon is full or some shit.

Why does that even matter? Basically all human morality concerning human life has origin in some kind of spiritual/religious belief. That was more or less an artifact of man's limited knowledge of the world and a need to fill it with reasons to justify a given policy which would in turn support the move from tribes to more advanced cooperative societies.