The advice bunney

Originally posted by Harvester of Sorrow
valley girls = from the coast of California, USA. they talk like have a learning disability

and what coast of California, USA girls have to say to that?????

well I suppose little and wrong :p

fathervic ( mountain guy)
Your question was:

Am I ever going to get that dinner invitation?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Whoa talk about a 50-50 chance. You might as well flip a coin for that one.

The Advice Duck says:

That silly bunny. He never makes any sense. The answer to your question is no.

ah, well, now it makes sense.

Your question was:

Am I going to even talk to that person in the next six months?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Ask nicely and maybe I'll tell you.

Your question was:

Please, might you tell me if the answer to the previous question was yes or no? Pretty please.

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Yeah. Duh.

Bloody fucker. I know he's lying.

Me: Am I going to prove that you're a liar?

Adive Bunny: Come on, I can't give you that information. It's confidential

Me: Don't you think that's a pathetic answer?

Adive Bunny: I don't know, but my friend Advice Duck says yes.

Me: In other words, you're a worthless pile of shit?

Adive Bunny: That's the least of your worries, trust me.

Me: Stop avoiding the answer. Yes or no?

Advice Bunny: Yes. Now can I get back to eating my yummy leaves?

Me: Yes. Have a nice life.

Advice Bunny: Who are you trying to kid?
R: -Will I lose my left arm?

B: -

R: -So is that yes?

B: -Yes of course, you silly person you.

R: -Will Ormir commit a suicide using pyrotechnics?

B: -That's classified information. I'm going to have to see some ID first.

R: - C´mon, i can tell me.. So how it is going to be?

B: - Hey, I only do yes or no questions here bud

D: - The bunny is right. We only do yes or no questions.

R: - Are you two stupid or what? Answer to my question, goddammit! Is Ormir going to kill himself with a lighter?

B: - Let me meditate for awhile and I'll get back to you on that.

R: - Should I call you as stupid fuck?

B: -

D: - Sorry, I missed the question.

R: - Fried bunny tastes good, doesn´t it?

B: - That's the least of your worries, trust me.

R: - I know, but it can be your worry. Are you afraid?

B: - ... ..huh? Oh, I'm sorry. Wasn't paying attention.

D: - The actual answer to your question is no, but the bunny seems to have a hard time being polite about it.

R: - Does it hurt when big man is plunging his fat fingers into your anus?

B: - Ask nicely and maybe I'll tell you.

R: - So you have experienced it?

B: - Yes, definately!

R: - Did it turn you on?

B: - For a good looking person like you? Anything's possible.

R: - Oh you think so too?

B: - For a good looking person like you? Anything's possible.

R: - You are repeating yourself,have I paid you for that?

B: - I think it's obvious. You already know the answer. You don't need me to tell you.

R: - So you confess that you´re a fraud. Well, in that case you can go to suck mr Duck.

B: - I am the all-knowing advice bunny. The answer to your question is... YES.

R: - I didn´t ask a thing. Will you die now or do I have to help you with that?

B: - Shhhh. I'm not supposed to tell.


B: - That's classified information. I'm going to have to see some ID first.

So this is the higher level of conversation. :D
My question: are you going to eat that orange flower?
Bunny: yeah. and monkeys might fly out of my butt
Me: nasty bunny, aren't you?
Bunny: oh, that's a tough one. i'm going to go with. yes

sorry, silly questions but my mind is so empty.... sooooooo emptyyyyyyyyy....... :goggly:
From the recently asked questions to the advice bunny:

Question: All the people on the Dark Tranquillity forum are stupid fuckers, aren't they?
Bunny's Response: Yes. Now can I get back to eating my yummy leaves?
Duck's Response: Honestly, I don't know why people ask that bunny questions. The actual answer to your question is no.

tsts sooo are we fuckers or not?

who was the sinner? :loco:
@RH: :lol:

@mel: probably we are, but may be we should ask the bunny ourselves...I think he might have answered that fearing the reaction of the guy who asked...may be it was threatened to answer that....may be they kidnapped the Duck!!!

fathervic (hoping the duck is not still alive condemning the bunny to mourn eternally)
Me: Will I ever find my soulmate?

Advice Bunny: The answer is no. And please do not ask again.

The duck said: This bunny can't seem to keep a secret. Sheesh.

Originally posted by rahvin
@mousewings: bet you feel a lot better now, huh? :p

Yes I do...
well at least this answer occured:

mousie: Will I ever get laid?

Bunny: Yes, I would like half a pound of cheese. Thank you.

( :confused: )

The duck's answer was clearer.

Duck: LOL. The bunny is so dumb. The answer is yes.

Your question was:

Are you gay?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

I can't tell you that until you make a donation to the ASPCA.

:rolleyes: :lol:

Your question was:

Does any god of any religion exists?

The Advice Bunny's response is:


Your question was:

Do you like to have sex with that flower?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Your guess is as good as mine.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Your question was:

Will Destruction's konzert suck as much as Helloween's?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Not a chance.

:waah: :rock: :kickass: (I'm so happy...)

Your question was:

Will I see them after the konzert and get their autographs and have pictures taken with them?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Yes, definately!

:rock: :kickass: :waah: (I'm starting to like this damn bunny...)

Your question was:

Will my father give me a new computer next Tuesday?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Oh that's a tough one. I'm going to go with.. No.

:mad: THAT'S A LIE.

Your question was:

Have you ever had sex with anything besides that flower?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

I'm going to give you a definate maybe.

Your question was:

All right then, have you ever had sex with other bunnies?

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Not a chance.

Your question was:

Oh, you naughty bunny!

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Yeah. I think so. But then again, what do I know.

Your question was:

This has to be the dumbest thread on the DT phorum.

The Advice Bunny's response is:

Of course!

I agree with him :p , although it did gave me a different answer when I endeed my sentence with a question mark.

Anyway, I hate that fuck*** bunny (although I like what he said about Destruction's konzert :) ).