I suppose I'll take this opportunity to make an announcement.
I've been completely sober for over three months now. Since mid-July I committed myself to total abstinence from alcohol for an entire year.
I had been dealing with depression since I entered grad school three years ago, and in the past year or so my deteriorating relationship had caused my drinking to increase. When last semester ended, I had started drinking almost every day. It was draining my money, killing my productivity, and causing me to do and say foolish things. So I resolved to stop it, and take no half-measures.
This academic year is the most important so far, as I'll be taking my comprehensive exams in the Spring, and on the heels of that will be my dissertation proposal. I need a clear mind and self-discipline to prepare for those things.
So far it hasn't been nearly as difficult as anticipated. The temptations are sometimes there, especially when I go to concerts, but my problem hasn't been starting so much as stopping once I've started. My ability to drink in moderation had clearly vanished. I'm nearly a third of the way to my goal, and by now I see it's definitely achievable. And I'm already feeling the results. Less depressed, and my productivity is way up. I've submitted two articles for publication, and am engaged in a number of academic projects.
Not sure what will happen once I reach mid-July 2016. I expect I'll start drinking again, but with a stronger virtue of moderation. Or I'll just plummet into an alcoholic abyss again. We'll see.