the altered state of consciousness thread

Well I did some marijuana the other day with some friends just to see how it was, and it was ok. Luckily I have no desire to do it again.
Last night, smoked around four bowls with some chums of mine. Does anyone else agree that stoners are some of the most laid back people?
Yeah, salvia is pretty crazy stuff but it's honestly not worth the money considering how short the actual high is.
Although I've done little research on DPH, it does seem to bear some similarities, it certainly seems to produce similar types of delusional behaviour at high enough doses.
I wouldn't be able to suggest it is like DPH never having tried either at a high enough dose to determine, but all I can say is it's crucial people can diferentiate between delerium and hallucination:

Unless someone has specific specialised intent and significant safety precautions in place, deleriants are best avoided at all costs, an overwhelming amount of experiences ending in hospital or police holding cells... not that I'd suggest anyone here is stupid or desperate enough to try and get a kick out of deleriants, it's just a sadly proven fact that some people do.
I love smoking weed laced with coke, gives me a good high without the lethargy and paranoia that weed can bring on. However alot of people tell me that its a waste of coke because the burning point is much higher for coke or something.

im doing a bit of beer tasting tonight. its like wine tasting, minus the giant dildo up my ass