the altered state of consciousness thread

Everytime i did it it was free so i feel a little bit better about myself. Regardless it's a nasty drug and i've seen too many friends change drastically and ruin their lives. I've pretty much tried everything on the table besides H, Meth, Pcp. Those days are over. The only drugs i'll still do is smoke weed (which isn't a drug) and shroom every now and then like when i'm camping or something. And tbh i wouldn't mind doing ecstacy one more time.

H was what ruined shit for me. Coke has always been kind of a by-product of an already social evening or whatever. I never get crazy and buy an 8 ball for myself. Usually just 4 or 5 lines and call it good. But I have seen some people get issues over it. I just don't have the same reaction or 'need' for it, I guess.

EDIT: Shrooms are ALWAYS a good idea.
Someone was going to sell me a little white widow yesterday, but I rejected it.
I really want white widow. Usually all you get around here is regs or mids unless you wanna shell out like 60-80 an eighth which i dont have the money for. Purple is pretty damn good tho, as is G-13. And bubblegum is delicious if you ever come by it.
People have posted about it here before, just do a search. I recall Einherjar was pretty into it before it was banned in Florida.

Ah okay. I saw some early posts and the general consensus seemed pretty good, I'll probably get some if/when I get a pipe.

Theres this black metal distro here in Vegas that oddly sells Salvia, so it won't be hard to get at all.
Just found out somebody in my year level overdosed on cocaine two months ago and had to go to hospital.

Probably shouldn't touch that shit.
I did H for years, Coke longer. I've never, ever, ever seen anyone od on coke. Ever. not even myself, and I've done massive amounts of high quality shit. They may have been allergic or something.
He was a chronic user apparently, and it may have been involved with other substances as he also frequents ecstacy and meth. I don't really know all the details at this stage.

Anybody ever done meth here before? How was it?
Meth blows, dude. Some people will compare it to coke, but it's a whole different level. Seriously, I'm the forum junkie and even I'm saying don't do it.

Coke can cause long term issues if done excessively and often. It is a stimulant, so it can cause a heart attack over time.

But meth is worse. Don't do it. It basically makes you excessively energetic/anxious and doesn't stop after a half hour. That's why people will go for fucking days. I've done it twice for 4 days and 6 another, and it was hell. Nothing is interesting enough, and the come-down is horrid.
Any idea if it was 5x, 10x or 15x?

The one I'm thinking of getting is 10x.

The first and second times it was 15x. The third it was 20x. I get this really strange sensation in my mouth whenever I smoke it, as if my cheeks are gently being poked by thousands of tiny needles. Not like when a body part falls asleep, kind of a taste and kind of a feeling.

Don't do meth, Scwarzung. Ever. A guy who used to be friend of mine is addicted to meth and it is nasty shit.
I'm actually doing coke right naw. I was gonna buy a gram of shrooms but my friend (not the dealer, but he knows the dealer) didn't answer so I decided to buy a 20 of coke. Then after I called my coke dealer my friend called, but....*sigh* was too late by that point and I feel calling the dealer (and coke one in particular who delivers)to cancel would most likely be a bad idea.

Couple years ago my friend was spending the night at my house and we both were doing an 8 ball, but after awhile I started crashing bad so went to sleep. Next thing I know he wakes me up in the morning that he did all the coke (which he should not have) and was in the brink of a major overdose.

To be quite honest im not a coke head, (the crash is so horrible sometimes that I rarely do it) but that is the worst I'll go. I use to do a lot of x, which was the biggest mistake of my life. But thanks goodness that is over.
I'm actually doing coke right naw. I was gonna buy a gram of shrooms but my friend (not the dealer, but he knows the dealer) didn't answer so I decided to buy a 20 of coke. Then after I called my coke dealer my friend called, but....*sigh* was too late by that point and I feel calling the dealer (and coke one in particular who delivers)to cancel would most likely be a bad idea.

Couple years ago my friend was spending the night at my house and we both were doing an 8 ball, but after awhile I started crashing bad so went to sleep. Next thing I know he wakes me up in the morning that he did all the coke (which he should not have) and was in the brink of a major overdose.

To be quite honest im not a coke head, (the crash is so horrible sometimes that I rarely do it) but that is the worst I'll go. I use to do alot of x, which was the biggest mistake of my life. But thanks goodness that is over.
Plus it's irritating when you get shit but someone else does more. I'm getting a ball tomorrow. It'll probably be the last time ever...I might be on probation next week, and if that's the case I'll be clean for at least a year I'm guessing and I probably won't bother doing it again after that.

I can do a ball alone easily without feeling like I'm od'ing. Hm, weird.
At no point was I claiming that I had the intention to do meth. I am fully aware of how much of a terrible drug it is. I just wanted some feedback from some of you chaps.

I'd also like to point out that ******** is fantastic.

EDIT: What the fuck? Why is t.r.a.m.a.d.o.l filtered?