the altered state of consciousness thread

Yeah we should def discuss outside of this thread at some point :p I'll remove these posts for OT soon (lawl).

*ransacks seasonal high traffic side*
god that was such a fucked up night haha. everything felt super fucking intense at first no major hallucinations or anything but like everything just was amplified by 100000000 times.

then because i was talking to my friend i ended up making her my link to reality of sorts unknowingly and so she became the fixture of this weird series of events in which there was the light and god and warmth and life and me constantly needing water because i was getting very dry mouthed and hoooooolllllyyyyyy fuck that is probably not going to be a drug i use very often if ever again.
I never really done a variety of drugs. I have only stuck with pot. I've done a few pills, but they are really not my thing. And I have not smoked in about a month because I was sick for an entire month and my mom watched my every move. I hate living with my mom still. I have to be so secretive and careful on what I do because otherwise it is such a big deal. This weekend is going to take care of my crave though. I will be gone all weekend. But, before I was sick, I smoked some stuff that was great. It felt like something I have never smoked before. I was telling my friend about it and he said it might of been laced, but I don't even care, it was just great.
No drugs or alcohol for me. This age is already infested with hazardous food seasoned with chemicals, and what not. Why introduce additional poison to the body?
I must say, I would have taken you to be too sheltered for that stuff.

You are not the only one who thinks that. A lot of people that I have met and chilled with always thought the same thing. They find my mom to be a bit controlling and that I don't have much freedom. She is just donig it out of the love of her heart. But, nope, not at all. I enjoy a nice bag of bud. Out of me, my fraternal twin sister, older brother, and younger brother. Our sister is the only one who won't smoke, but out of them, I am the only one who won't drink. I cannot do the drinking. It just doesn't go good with me.
No drugs or alcohol for me. This age is already infested with hazardous food seasoned with chemicals, and what not. Why introduce additional poison to the body?

Main reason I won't do any drugs. I drink some, but usually 3 (light) beers a day. Not exactly liver killing.

I put way too much effort into avoiding toxic chemicals in my food to turn around and kill myself on purpose.
It's pretty difficult to find food that isn't irradiated or infected in any way. It's true what they say nowadays: had we actually seen how some of the stuff that we consume on a daily basis is manufactured, we would probably choose to starve to death(well, I'm overstating) rather than eat it again.
I'm not bothered that you haven't smoked or anything, I just think most of your arguments for not doing so are bogus. It really just comes down to your aversion to certain risks imo.
It runs deeper than that, and I've already mentioned this once on this board, and rather not repeat it. Let it remain unnamed.
The other reason is simple: I've got poor self-control. Any habit can become an addiction that gets out of hand pretty quickly. It's doubly true for me. Who knows where drugs will lead me? I'd rather not find out.
It means your wifey wont do you no more and one day you'll come home, look for the pet cat. You can't find him.

You go up to the bedroom, look at the now redundant double bed and see a huge fat blond lion smoking a cat nip joint and grinning at you. Then he starts singing Rod Stewart songs.