the altered state of consciousness thread

Or drink Brawndo. It's got electrolytes.

Ive always been extremely reluctant of doing drugs( anything other than weed) , but I have always wanted to do Acid and Mushroom. When I think of either of those drugs I get this weird kind of fear, but the urge to do them is still there. Any advice/tips/suggestions on this matter?>
Ive always been extremely reluctant of doing drugs( anything other than weed) , but I have always wanted to do Acid and Mushroom. When I think of either of those drugs I get this weird kind of fear, but the urge to do them is still there. Any advice/tips/suggestions on this matter?>

If you're gonna do shrooms, I would recommend smoking some weed before hand so you are already in a good place mentally. And do it in a place/with people you are comfortable with.
You can try doing Salvia first, which has similar effects to acid and shrooms but with a much shorter trip length(about 15 minutes). After you have conquered the fear of hallucinogens then you can try acid or shrooms and you'll be less likely to have a bad trip.
Yeah I was thinking of doing Salvia first actually, because of it's shorter trip. Fanks guyz

Also Mathias, I know and have known many Heroin addicts. Fucking brutal drug.

DO NOT do Salvia before mushrooms or acid and don't smoke weed before it either. Salvia is superrr intense and a lot of people actually find it highly uncomfortable; the body load is more than twice as intense as shrooms and the visuals and auditory effects are insane and can be scary. While it's not impossible to have a good trip on it or enjoy it, a lot of people don't and it's really intense which is probably why it's not illegal; people just straight up don't want to do it haha.

As far as weed goes, that makes all experiences stronger and for some people can make them over think things, getting into a bad thought loop when tripping which can easily lead to a problem.

If you want to trip you should do shrooms or acid and try to acquire maybe some benzo's or some sort of mind numbing relaxing drug in case you trip gets too out of hand; when people are tripping super hard and the police or ambulance pick them up they usually shoot them full of valium or something like that so they come down from the sheer insanity and just become somber but still tripping (plus benzos in high doses cause amnesia during the course of the effects, so a bad trip won't linger with you for a long time).

1. try acid if you want a long duration trip that comes up fairly easily, is a bit more energetic and not as much body load, and more colorful visuals with less mind fuck
2. try shrooms if you want something shorter acting, a bigger feeling of body load/buzzing and that really opens up your mind a bit more.

most people that i've encountered while on acid are a bit more upbeat and energetic while the people on shrooms are usually yawning and look a bit stoned and more prone to just sit down and stare and think for a long time. I'm not saying either one is better than the other because it all depends on the person (some people only can take tripping for 4 hours and don't want to trip for 8, some people don't mind long tripping and a long slow comedown to base at all) but both of them are good and way better to try than salvia. Just do a low dose, be in a good environment, not have any pressing things to do and if you can get some benzos just in case of a trip problem and you'll be good (NO ALCOHOL, it can numb your mind a bit but the depressant qualities can sometimes mess with you a bit).
No interest in salvia. Interested in acid, have done shrooms once. I did not have a stoned experience; I've probably already posted about it but I had an extremely upbeat (bordering on "wanting to party," so steer clear ObscureInfinity!) and social experience. Very affectionate.
I've tripped for almost an hour before. You have to burn it very hot.

tripping for an hour on salvia? i don't see how that's possible unless you have some freak chemical thing going on in your body; i'm pretty sure its average main duration is like 20 minutes (30 minutes if you're counting after effects maybe) tops. I don't think I'd even want to be peaking on salvia for an hour; that sounds like a bad time haha
It was an awful time (became convinced my roommates were involved in a conspiracy to control my life and I'd be forced to live under their tyranny), but that doesn't change the fact that I did it. It was extract, and we used a blue flame. Get it that hot, the shit's potent.

That said, every time after that we got it to go anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, and it was great.
I don't think that's possible. Are you sure we're talking about the same drug? There's some weird come-down effects that make you feel like you're still tripping in a sense but the actual high never lasts more than 2-3 minutes.
A friend of mine was GONE off salvia for a good 30 minutes. No way it only lasts 2-3 minutes. He was speaking to a blue alien stuck in the couch for 30 minutes as he drooled and was driven to a terrorized state if the mood of the room changed too much (mostly driven by the music.)
No interest in salvia. Interested in acid, have done shrooms once. I did not have a stoned experience; I've probably already posted about it but I had an extremely upbeat (bordering on "wanting to party," so steer clear ObscureInfinity!) and social experience. Very affectionate.

Death metal isn't a party. I said nothing about myself. ;)

Shrooms have also made me more social than I've ever been.