the altered state of consciousness thread


I bet.

I only have my permit and practice drive and plan on getting my lisence and a cheap car before the summer ends. I just took 1 valium and a half and feel really good just not nearly to the extent of say taking a few endo's. Everytime I get up to walk almost tip over.

It seems like you popped a lot so good luck. I did 2,3 percocet 1 30 mg codeine pill and a methadone once and was beyond fucked up. I remember at one point thinking I was going to lift out of my chair.:lol:
I've tried most of the hallucinogens. I've had some truly amazing exhilarating and profound experiences an acid and shrooms, but also the most horrible depraved fear & loathing and crazy paranoid shit as well. I think they are great if you're feeling strong-minded, some of the thought processes you go through when tripping can be really eye opening. But I wouldn't say they 'changed me' in any way, it's all just life experience. Just DON'T have them if you're feeling low in any way, because the downward spiral can be extremely hard to turn around. I haven't touched either for years because I have no desire to relive the bad experiences I've had in the past.

The most 'spiritual' (for lack of a better word) experience I've had was the first time I had DMT. I smoked it and it lasted about 2 minutes, I felt like I left my body completely, to the point where I forgot to breathe, and the psychedelic visions I had when I was going through it were so amazing that I couldn't even begin to describe them. Completely unlike anything I've ever experienced, like the psychedelia of LSD times 1000 but totally different. Apparently DMT occurs naturally in the body and it secretes in your brain when you die, so the experience of taking it is supposedly like experiencing the visions you see at the end of your life as your brain shuts down. Scary but amazing. I've had it since and the experience was nowhere near as strong as that first one.
I don't necessarily prefer DMT, I've just never had a bad experience with it. But then I've only had it a few times. I have heard of people freaking right out on it. It can be quite difficult to use properly too, the first time I had it was through some seasoned DMT aficianados who had an intricate setup going through which to smoke it the best way. I've tried it a couple of times myself with less than satisfying results. Anyway here's some info on it ---->

I've had tons of crazy experiences with acid and shrooms as well, a good trip can feel like a personal revelation, and listening to music on either is something that everyone should do once I reckon.
I've taken morning glory seeds before, which contain LSA, a very similar substance to LSD (acid). I didn't take enough so the trip wasn't very long but what it did was basically give me a preview of what a psychedelic adventure would be like. It wasn't extremely strong, but I realized the possible ecstasy you can feel with these sorts of drugs. Unfortunately I also saw how frightening they can be.

I really can't wait to try a full blown dose of LSA or just go for acid or shrooms.

I've tried salvia quite a few times too. Salvia isn't really an adventure into your unconscious mind like the above drugs; it's more of a really fast acting mindfuck. I really don't see how anything spiritual can come from salvia; it's just too confusing and well, mind-fucking. It can get pretty scary too if you're not ready for it.

Weed is my drug of choice.
Isn't that stuff supposed to be neurotoxic?

What's it like, btw?

yes it is

you mean the high? For one, your body or certain parts of your body (like my legs & feet) feel really tingly. Also you sometimes feel awake and full of euphoria for no real reason. It's hard to explain, but its a great feeling.