the altered state of consciousness thread

Nutmeg does work btw. I have experienced the high only one out of the three times I tried it. The first time I puked and the second time I didn't use enough. On the third attempt I crushed up about 28 g of nutmeg and placed the welly crushed nutmeg in emptied pill capsules (had like around 30 pills) as to avoid the god-awful taste. And bam, an hour later I was seeing me walls looking at me.
yeah, and disoriented.

edit: drove on 15mg of ambien once ON ACCIDENT...and it was like the fucking cartoons. I swear I was playing a video game....until I rear ended someone on Rt95 from a traffic jam....later the same night, I flipped the car over going 70mph and walked out scathe free.

I found out what I did the morning after while walking home from the hospital. I took the ambien rather than something else I was supposed to take.

Bad top off a bunch of other BS that was engulfing my life at the same exact moment.

Lesson learned: Keep the ambien in a SAFE place where you will NEVER confuse it with anything else EVER again.
yeah, and disoriented.

edit: drove on 15mg of ambien once ON ACCIDENT...and it was like the fucking cartoons. I swear I was playing a video game....until I rear ended someone on Rt95 from a traffic jam....later the same night, I flipped the car over going 70mph and walked out scathe free.

I found out what I did the morning after while walking home from the hospital. I took the ambien rather than something else I was supposed to take.

Bad top off a bunch of other BS that was engulfing my life at the same exact moment.

Lesson learned: Keep the ambien in a SAFE place where you will NEVER confuse it with anything else EVER again.

Jesus, you should have pulled over as soon as you realized what you took, but judgement can be extremely obscured by a druged-out euphoria.
Last time I took tranquilizers, I found myself in my car, in my underwear, and the keys were not in the ignition. Though, the car was on. Hehe. Next time I take pills Im gonna walk.
Jesus, you should have pulled over as soon as you realized what you took, but judgement can be extremely obscured by a druged-out euphoria.

Yeah, unfortunately, I found out the next morning when all was said and done. I thought my mind was actually fucking with me because of all the stress I was going through at the time.

Fuck cocaine.

Ambiens a helluva drug. [/Rick James]
Seriously, I've seen my sister's friend's lives ruined by cocaine. Im not going to lie, I've done it a few times, but I guess I'm too much into pot to like cocaine. Too short and I'm not into feeling like superman, and would rather feel like someone like Bob Marley (que the weed). Not to mention it's very expensive...

:lol: @ the chapelle reference
My cousin is hilarious when hes on crack. His face twitches, with his drool all over his shirt. Since his beer belly sticks out farther than his feet. Then his mom invades the room and hits him with a stick.
Drugs are usually a once or few times thing for me except painkillers(vicodin,percocet,hydrocodone,etc..) which I usually just about get addicted too always, but can overcome the negative aspects of not taking them after a few weeks to a month.
Meditation can seriously do fucked up things to your mind, if you can do it right. it is pretty much one of the only if not the only thing you could call "all natural." But seriously, it can do some fucked up shit, from hallucinations to other shit, there are just certain ways to do it.
So I thought I'd bump this since I just smoked weed for the first time. I didn't even really get high. I felt a bit different and laughed randomly at times but I didn't feel different enough for me to consider it worth it. Is it just a first time thing?
So I thought I'd bump this since I just smoked weed for the first time. I didn't even really get high. I felt a bit different and laughed randomly at times but I didn't feel different enough for me to consider it worth it. Is it just a first time thing?

nobody gets high the first time

your 3rd and 4th times will be amazing though
I felt kind of silly but I was still "self-aware" and after a while, I just got really tired and fell asleep. I'm such a noob at this. :lol: