the altered state of consciousness thread

and the one time I did acid it was a horrible experience. Mind you, this was all way back when I was in college. I just drink now and smoke cigs, but that's not a drug.

Same here and would not do it again. I drink and smoke cigs the most(on a basis) and than after comes pills and than pot.

I smoke pot(not all the time or everyday). I use to smoke it much more when 16,17 and am 21 and have smoked a lot less during the last few years.

things i've done.


I've done a lot of pills over the last 5 years(endo's,hydro's,percs,oxys's,dilated(spelling ?),xanax,valium and am not dead yet!. My favorite expirience is 1 Oxy 3 dilateds(snort half of one) and than take a Xanax 6,7 hours later.
I was a total stoner for a good year.4-5 times a day, but only pot obviously. Ive been offered shrooms and X and all that shit, but fuck that man. I dont want to put chemicals into my body;no more need to go into my body then there already are present in day to day life/experiences.

fuck drugs basically. YOu can get all the same experiences from meditation, every single one.For example, the shapes etc you see on lsd is far older, and used to be induced by/during meditation.
"fuck drugs basically. YOu can get all the same experiences from meditation, every single one"

since you've never done drugs you can't rightly say that. you can only assume it to be correct.
I guess it takes a great deal of self-discipline when you're taking drugs: to know when not to cross the line with the dosage, frequency of intake, etc. Knowing myself, that's not a risk I'm willing to take. I'll probably become a junkie overnight. Fuck that. If I want to get "high", I'll put on some "heady" music.
drugs are crazy and can be useful and not bad but people who say they don't mess you up just haven't had the bad experiences. every drug can mess you up somehow, mostly coke and meth and heroin, but even lsd and mushrooms if you have a bad trip can really scar you for a long time. if people want to do drugs thats cool and all, i've done a lot of them, but more power to the people who can swear that shit off, that takes real willpower and in the end is probably better off. you could claim that coke is an experience like none other but once you've felt it you'll always know what you're missing, which is why its better to never have even felt it at all.
drugs are crazy and can be useful and not bad but people who say they don't mess you up just haven't had the bad experiences. every drug can mess you up somehow, mostly coke and meth and heroin, but even lsd and mushrooms if you have a bad trip can really scar you for a long time. if people want to do drugs thats cool and all, i've done a lot of them, but more power to the people who can swear that shit off, that takes real willpower and in the end is probably better off. you could claim that coke is an experience like none other but once you've felt it you'll always know what you're missing, which is why its better to never have even felt it at all.

Eh, you could say the same about sex or friends or music. A lot of celebrities claim to be 'addicted to sex.' It might be the safer and overall better path to just swear off sex, never know its pleasure so you can live a purer, more level-headed life without it. But I bet a lot of people would prefer to have experienced it and take the downfalls. Sex & friends and things are perhaps more important than drugs, I'm not saying that everybody should feel the need to do drugs. Far from it. I'm just saying the thought process is the same. I wouldn't say that it's necessarily the better choice to choose not to do drugs, it's on a case by case basis.

And music, man, every time I find a new favorite band it totally rocks my world. And then a month later I've overplayed all their stuff and they sound like shit to me, and all of a sudden I don't have that great thing to listen to anymore. That's a bigger downer for me than coming down from drugs. And every new favorite band I find, it becomes that much harder to find another band that moves me as much, and my favorite bands lose their power quicker and quicker. But I'd much rather take the hits and get these amazing short-lived experiences than just swear off music so that I don't know what I'm missing when I can't have it.

Coke isn't particularly something I'm too hot on. Never tried it, I'd be willing but I'm not particularly focused on doing so. DXM though is an experience that I wouldn't want to have lived my life without ever knowing. I honestly like the world more just because I've had the dxm experience.

I have no problem with people who don't do drugs. Most of my closest friends refuse to even try cigarettes or alcohol. All I'm sayin' is that for me drugs are definetly a win/win situation.

Peace & love ya'll. Happy 4/20 whether you partake or not.
Rob "Klister";7177307 said:
i did indeed. whats the problem?

You said he's never done drugs, but he said he used to be a total stoner.


I smoke, but not on 4/20. When pot is made legal there will be Hallmark cards that say "Happy 4/20!" Fuck that. I don't need a day to celebrate weed, just like I don't need a day to celebrate how much I love my girlfriend. And yet, somehow, I always end up celebrating Valentine's Day...
i should have been clearer in my wording. my bad. since his only experience to drugs is pot, then he can't say you can achieve all experiences through meditation when he hasn't experienced them in drugs.