the altered state of consciousness thread

i'm not saying you can't hallucinate through meditation. what annoyed me about your post was that you boldly stated you can achieve all the same experiences as drugs when you have little knowledge of what drugs can do.
fine, disregard my post then. let me finish it off by saying that I would rather NOT put chemicals into my body, and instead try to reach these altered states etc through meditation, and mind power.
i've tried meditation a few times and i was never able to concentrate. when i tried to focus my mind just seemed to race even faster. ever had this problem? tips maybe?
I don't think any feeling achieved via meditation is similar to the feeling of being on any drug.

well perhaps this is true, seeing as what is involved in making the hallucination/trip/feeling etc.

but,there are many experiences that can be achieved through both.I also base this off personal meditation experience, and written and oral description of an lsd trip for example.
In my humble opinion, the way someone would describe their trip isn't necessarily going to be very accurate to what was actually experienced. It's a trip, after all. It involves a different plane of reference. A lot of times I'll look back on an account I wrote while tripping and see how what I was saying might seem like it means one thing, whereas being on the drug when I wrote it, it actually had an entirely different meaning. Likewise, I'll try to explain what my trips are like and I can achieve it at a basic level but it never really remotely gives the true picture of what happened, it's only tiny bits and pieces of the whole picture. That's just my experience, though, dunno how others feel about it.

And correct me where I'm wrong, but doesn't meditation require one to sit and concentrate? Granted, sitting and concentrating is a wonderful thing to do while tripping, but it's not the only aspect of it. Can meditation ever set you off on a multi-hour trip where you can get up, go around, do whatever, and you'll keep tripping balls regardless of how unfocused and uninvolved in meditation you become? 'Cause if not then IMHO that's a huge part of the experience that is missing. Can you go talk to people, take a walk, drive a car while meditating?
Adderal is even stronger than Ritalin. I got my hands on some occasionally when I was in college, and I took it both for fun and for long nights of studying. The buzz was subtle, but it's a great drug. It's the only drug that ever made me feel happy, upbeat, and very clear minded.